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It was full house at Kimberly's Apartment. The friend group, consisting of Kimberly, Eduardo, and Vini, decided to make dinner at hers. Everyone ate already so it was time for dessert.

However, the two lovebirds, that's what
Vini called them, were alone in the kitchen preparing it.

The plan was to make Tiramisu but well, it didn't look anything like that. Other than the whipped cream being too soft, the dessert looked fine. Kinda.

"You think we did everything right?" Kimberly asked unsurely. Her eyes landed on the supposed-to-be Tiramisu. "It looks like it's made by Vini himself and that's not a good sign."

Vini, who was in the next room (which had an open entrance to the kitchen), complained. "Hey, don't blame your shitty baking on me. "

Kimberly smiled at him innocently. "I'm sorry but you almost burned my apartment down the last time you tried to bake something here." That shut him up.

"Okay, it doesn't matter who burned what down," Eduardo told them both. "Maybe it isn't that bad. We still need to taste it, right?"

"I'll do it!" The Brazilian volunteered and walked to the kitchen counter. He took a small piece with a spoon because it was literally liquid and soft. His mouth soon tasted the dessert and the two waited for his reaction.

A loud cough was heard as Vini ran to the trash can and spit it out. "Bro, how much salt did you put in here?"

Eduardo and Kimberly looked at each other with shocked faces and had the same thought in mind. They switched the sugar with salt.

"I told you to check if it's sugar and not salt!"
The Portuguese complained with a sigh. "Now we're officially left without dessert."

Camavinga tried to cheer her up with a big smile. "Well, at least we didn't burn anything down this time, right?"

Vini looked at him insultingly and scoffed. "As if you could do better."

"You know what boys, let's just watch a movie and not insult each other's baking." An offer came from the host of the evening. "Any ideas?"

And with that, the trio decided to watch some old-school high-school movies. Kimberly was sitting next to the Frenchman and Vini was next to him.

During the movie, the two not-so-friends got really close together. Well, they shared a blanket so it made kind of sense.

Kimberly, who noticed the closeness, started to feel nervous around him. This situation was still pretty new to her considering that they never shared this closeness.

Eduardo felt the same way. But it was also a good chance to get even closer. His hands made their way toward hers under the blanket.

The movement was noticed by Kimberly and her heart started to beat quicker. The alarms in her head were ringing like crazy.

She turned her head to look at the boy next to her and saw that he was already staring at her. At this moment, their hands touched and it felt like there was a string pulling them together.

Their hands intertwined and they both found themselves smiling. But that soon was interrupted by none other than Vini himself.

"Okay, I don't know what stuff y'all are doing under this blanket but it needs to stop right now," He warned them with a shake of his head. "Always making me third-wheel."

"Não te preocupes, não está a acontecer nada," Kimberly assured him in their native language. ( Don't worry, nothing's happening. )

That evening, the friends all fell asleep together on the couch while two specific people were still holding hands, thinking about each other.

I'm literally cringing so bad while writing cheesy shit like that but I tried 😭

TRY AGAIN, eduardo camavingaWhere stories live. Discover now