Chapter 24

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"So that's all about my life. I was the happiest woman in the world the day I finally sealed the deal with him at the wedding altar. But...i guessed we can't always get the things we wanted," Eden thinned her lip trying not to break. The image of the day she and Lionel officially signed the divorce papers was still a fresh wound to her. She still couldn't get over him and how he tossed her out like she meant absolutely nothing to him.

Her eyes were already going glassy and she sniffled audibly preventing her tears from falling from her eyes. Julian watched her carefully and wished he could ease her pain. No, to take all her pain and suffering away. He hated seeing her in this state. It was their first year in their course of finances and they had gotten to know each other pretty well now to converse their life histories together.

He reached out and held her hands squeezing them softly. Eden let out a chuckle and tried to make light of the entire situation. The waiter had now brought their order to which Julian nodded a thank you. He was offering the course as an addition to his CV while Eden as you guessed was literally pushed into accepting the course by Susan and her mom.

The waiter left and Eden cleaned her face with a towel and smiled widely throwing all those hurtful and painful memories about her now shattered marriage at the back of her mind but knew she wasn't going to forget anytime soon.

She turned to Julian, "Now you know about me and what brought me here. Now, it's your turn." Julian smiled a bit. "First of all, I gotta say, your ex husband is truly an asshole for what he did to you. Am sorry but I have to point that." Eden smiled widely this time but didn't find his words at all funny. On the contrary, she didn't want anything said against Lionel despite all he did to her and her daughter.

Julian dug into the steak and placed some into his mouth with the fork and spoke. "Well my story is a but different. Well am a kind of guy who always goes with the flow, you know. Am also a romantic, a trade secret of mine," He winked at Eden who was stunned by his words. She never expected a serious person like Julian to be a romantic. Now she was interested in knowing more about him.

She leaned forward and gave him her whole attention. Julian saw that and as his cue spoke further, "Well I work at a tech company. My parents are in Bogota perfectly enjoying the life there from my expenses, after all they're the reason for me being where I am today. They never really wanted to enjoy or live the American dream you know," Julian took a pause and sipped a bit of his wine. Eden didn't say a word but was so interested in knowing more about him.

"Then when I was settled, I met numerous ladies and wanted something serious you know. I wasn't the guy to just have a fling or one night stands. I wanted something serious and the ladies who came my way weren't interested in any of that until I met a special woman. Paula Nunez." Julian went into thought as soon as he pronounced her name in his deep voice and the sound that resonated out from his lips was no doubt alluring.

A faint smile swept across his face recalling her. She was very different from the rest to him. According to him, she was the one or so he thought. "Paula Nunez, she was a wonderful and an intelligent beauty. She came as an intern to the company I worked for before getting this current work of mine. She was damn beautiful and we hit it off quickly. We got to know each other and more since I was assigned to be in charge of the internship program. Everything went well and we found out we were both interested in the same things and also...we wanted a stable relationship."

Eden could tell he was deeply into her and wandered if they were still together but the way he spoke of her in a past tense was saying they had ended things but she didn't speak and allowed him to also vent out.

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