Gear Update

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Y/n: has added a few more things to his arsenal

New things
-shock glove has a glove with hidden copper wires that can become exposed with the press of a button on the inside of the glove when the button is pressed the copper wires become exposed and are ready to shock y/n can also control the voltage output and can deliver a nasty shock and can be fatal if needed can be fatal anyway depending where you shock them for example if you shock a walker with direct contact to the head you can kill it with much less voltage because of the direct contact has an anti steal mechanism so people cant take it off of you without knowing how to

-drawbacks- must be charged frequently if used at fatal level for a long period of time it will burn y/n due to him not having the needed materials or equipment to properly insulate the inside of the glove using at fatal levels can fry the battery or drain all of its electricity can be charged by being near a large source of electricity while touching it with the glove or being plugged in

-One handed short sword- made from the one handed longsword that has been broken and refined you broke the longsword for the materials you needed to make your shock glove but have gained a new much more fit weapon for someone of your size and weight you broke the longsword by heating a certain part of the blade and then using m/n axe to cleanly break the blade then cooled the shorter part and sharpened the tip and you had made a short sword that sits on your back right next to m/n axe

(Authors note)
The next chapter will be out in a few hours crystalballs OUT

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