Chapter eleven

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POV Bellatrix
- you got to be kidding me?!
I was digging in my trunk willing what I was looking for to be in it..... It was not.
- what's wrong?-  boys were technically not allowed in the female dorms but Salazar had made it so mates with the goal of visiting their other half ( with no malicious intent mind you ) could enter, this meant that my youngest mate ( Draco )  who was currently lounging on my bed, spent every second of the day he could around me, and seeing as only purebloods with creature inheritance knew the reason certain people could enter and others couldn't, he wasn't in any danger of being " found out ", he was watching as I tore apart my trunk, trying ( and failing! )
To find the potion that kept the more, aggressive, instincts of my creature at bay
- I can't find my medicine
Draco immediately sat up straight, suddenly serious
- is it for something important?
I sighed, trying to figure out what to tell him
- it ... how do I say this.... Helps with a certain mental problem...... Keeps me from going insane, so to speak..... But it's extremely hard to brew, and the person from who I buy it from doesn't take owl order, because he is paranoid that it will be outlawed and he won't know until he sends the order.
Draco stared at me for a moment before speaking
- Come on, I'm sure uncle sev can brew it, he's a portions master after all.....

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