01. The Village of Tree Houses

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"So you mean to say that these people are probably revived ones?" Gen asked surprised. "But if you say so, then how did they even revived?"

"Well, I have no clue." Senku replied. "But if they really did revive, then it means that there must be a sources where they are exposed to similar case to mine."

Everyone looked at him, looking like they figured out a good news. "You mean, it's possible that they have something similar to the miracle cave?!" Gen asked.

"Maybe." He replied. "I exchanged letters with someone who owns a messenger bird. It seems he wants to meet with us."

"Really? That's great if we can peacefully have a talk with them." Gen sighed. "but worse case scenario will be us, walking into a trap."

"That's the least of our worries." Senku looked at the photos he took of the different letters exchanged between the two parties and handed it to Gen. "Can you grasp the person's personality with these letters?" He asked. It was divided into parchments with Senku and the person's conversation turning.

"Hmm... I'm not sure." Gen took the photographed letters and read them.

The first letter says "WELCOME." in pure capital letters with Senku replying a "Thank you." Below.


"Nothing complicated. We just gathered hemp, this that blah blah." Senku's reply was quite long, Gen didn't bother to read it since he watched the gruelling process of how this 'nothing special' was made.


"The first ever balloon that was made to fly was made of hemp."


"Yeah, sure. I can meet you, but I hope we are not stepping on a fire pit." Senku, being straight forward he is, said so bluntly. Gen wanted to roll his eyes, but just continued on reading.


The reply ended here. Gen frowned "Volkov village? Could they possibly be Russians?" He asked.

"Possibly." Senku shrugged. "So, what do you think?"

"I think, looking at the handwriting, they are obviously literate. I just wonder why the letters are made capitals. English doesn't seem to be best suited as their first language so we can conclude that they are bilingual. The letters also have unique strokes for aesthetic or personal style, but have few inconsistencies and constant changes but some strokes still leave out traces like the curls at letter they had written, making them young. They showed ignorance to the existence of the hot air balloon so it most likely to be a descendant of someone that has literary prowess. They are probably in ages between late teens to early teens. Also, by confidently speaking to you casually, and by simply saying that we're welcome with just a raised flag, the person who wrote this letter must be of higher status in the village. Possibly their chief or someone a level lower." Gen deduced carefully. Then hummed. "But I think I'd stick to the latter. The person is probably a young master who will inherit the village."

The genius chuckled amused. His eyes obviously putting interest to this 'exhilarating' idea. "Alright. By tomorrow, we're going to visit that little master." Senku announced.




Cosmos was once again excited when he thought back to the person he spoke with.

The story of a hundred tales was originally spoken in English and translates to Japanese. This was one of the reason that Cosmos' letter was written in English. But of course, no one in the village calls that now. They called it Tales language. Where the original words from the hundred tales was translated from by oral distribution from the priestess.

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