Why They Love You<3

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Why they love you.


Atsushi always thinks you're pretty, smart, cute and amazing but the reason he loves you is because of who you are inside.

He loves how carrying and kind you can be, how smart and sharp you are, he loves your personality no matter how awful it can be, he loves how you comfort him and others.




Chuuya firstly took interest in you because of your aesthetic and clothes.

When he slowly get to know you, he falls in love with you because you're pretty outside and inside. You have a soul of warrior and you never give up. He loves your stubbornness no matter how annoying it can be to others.


You spoil him<3

He loves how dumb and smart you can be at the same time. He loves your soft hair a lot and your beautiful eyes. He loves that you love sweets and how carrying you can be.


If this man loves you, then it definitely isn't because of your looks and etc. He loves you because of who you're inside.


He loves that he can be silly with you(you better match his energy💀)

Often pranking others with you and he loves that.

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