Dazai NSFW hc

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This dude will definitely tease you to death.

Loves when you scratch his back.

One of his kink is degradation.

Will torture you and not let you cum until you're moaning mess.

He would have you cleaning him up.

Sex in public places is his favourite>

He can get turned on out of nowhere.

His hands are so skilled😏


Probably 8-9 inches.

Loves to cum in you but only when it's safe.

Can go for 5 rounds if he's not too exhausted.

He would finger you under the table in the agency.

He isn't really using toys since he trusts himself that he can pleasure you enough, but still would use toys to punish you.

Has dirty photos of you.

Has Public Sex kink. He finds it so exiting.

Also likes temperature play but using cubes.

Is into Bondage and Blindfold.

You are on your period? So what? That doesn't stops him at all.

Will call you names such as "sl*t" or "wh*re" but also praises you A LOT.

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