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Third person's POV

"Your birthday is in less than 24 hours and you're out here looking for that pretty boy you saw downstairs uh?"

Jungkook's eyes wandered through the cafeteria "You're not getting. He...he looked very electric"

"Even so. You'll find your mate tomorrow dude. Stop this and get back to class"

Jungkook paused when he's eyes finally met what he was looking for "Why does he look so ethereal moongoddess?"

Lisa rolled her eyes and looked in the direction. She let go of kook's arms she was holding and looked at the guy kook pointed without a blink

"Wipe your drool. He's like a brother to you"

Lisa snapped from the view after hearing kook's voice, she did wipe her drool "Brother? Why must he be my brother?"

"Because.... you're bestiee is gonna hit on him" Jungkook winked at Lisa and made his way towards tae


Tae flinched feeling the presence of kook behind him "Remember me?"

Tae covered his nose
What the hell is he doing here chim!

Not sure...Jimin replied through mindlink.

"Uh....you are?"

Jungkook stretched his hand towards chim as he scooped beside tae and sat next to him "I'm Jeon Jungkook. 1st year. Class 2-C"

Jimin nodded, he made a very untouchable handshake "Park Jimin"

"Nice to meet you Jimin Seonbae~ and this....?"
Jungkook turned at tae, he was mind blown to look at the perfect side profile of this guy
"That's....That's Kim Taehyung. University president"

"Woah. We meet again" Jungkook stretched his hand

Jimin-ah! His scent....it's too strong...

Kook's hand was left hanging.

Jimin stood, grabbing his belongings "Uh.....Tae we gotta go. Remember? The assignment?"

Tae stood "Right" He tried his best not to inhale. He grabbed his belongings and was about to leave but felt a grip on his wrist "You both.....your omegas right?"

"Shit!" Lisa ran towards them and pulled kook's hands off tae "Hey hi seniors~ Myself Lisa. First year. Same as kook's class" She wrapped her arm around kook's shoulder "Since....since this is the second day of his university....he doesn't know the rules much. So....president....please don't mind the question he asked okay?" Saying this she made a 90° bow and dragged kook along with him

Tae and Jimin were literally froze
Ho...how did he know?

Aren't you wearing the pheromones blocker?
Jimin asked through mindlink

I am wearing it.
Tae showed Jimin the chain.
Jimin too had the chain around his neck

How did he know?

Is it because....he's true blood?

Male Omegas are very rare and since they are rare, they are meant to be protected but they live among humans now.....has civilized being, they cover their scents not to arouse other werewolf around.
Pheromones are one of the biggest challenge to cover. They don't just hide away, it's with them since birth and now that they have to live among others, the chain with pendant made by moongoddess blessing will help them cover it, just like the soulmate are wearing.

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