18 | Tea!

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¡Tubbo POV¡

2:03pm | Sunday

I wake up to Tommy's booming laughter. I take a minute to wake up properly before moving.

I look over to Y/Ns bed, still no Y/N. it looks the exact same as it did last night.

I slowly get up and out of bed, I grab my pocket and put it in my pajama pants pocket. I fix my hoodie and climb down the stairs.

Tommy is playing minecraft with Y/N and Mark. they all see me and say "Morning Toby!"

"Hey guys.." I say, still half asleep.

they all sorta giggle and go back to their minecrafting

I grab the stuff I need to shower and then... well.. I go shower.


4:34pm | check l8r

"Hey y/n, c'mere" I say, calling her into the kitchen

as she walks into the kitchen I turn the kettle on.

"why were you asleep in Marc's bed last night" I say, slightly hinting at something.

"Oh um.. I wasn't thinking straight and-" she says

"You guys didnt-"

"No Toby ew what the fuck?!" she says, giving me a disgusted face.

"I got really upset and he helped me. he comforted me and I don't know... he was there." she says, I notice her face going slightly red.

I go shut the door of the kitchen before saying what I was thinking

"You like him!!" I whisper shout.

"No Toby i-"

"Don't lie to me Y/N. it's so obvious you like him. your face is red!"

she hides her face in her hands and let's out a groan.

"Oh my god I should have seen it from the start" I say as the kettle stops boiling, I grab the things I need to make 4 cups of tea.

"But I know he like, hates me." She says, head still in her hands.

"What exactly happend last night n/n" I ask

"Well, he showed me a tiktok and I went and layed on the couch next to him, he said "you can lay your head on me if you want, its probably more comfortable" so I did, then i started thinking about how mean I've been to him because that was a nice gesture. then I got upset and started slightly crying" She says, taking a breath before continuing.

"so I said 'Im sorry I've been a bitch to you' and he tells me it isn't my fault and comforts me and hugs me and stuff, then he asks if I wanna go for a walk or go lay outside and listen to music so I grab my phone and I told him I wanted to lay somewhere comfy." I nod my head as she takes another break from talking for a moment

"He took me to his room and told me to lay in his bed, he left the room and came back with my trackeys and one of his hoodies and tells me to get changed into them. I did then once I was done he came in with makeup wipes and he wiped my makeup off for me." I awe at this because it's cute.

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