Meeting Clint Barton

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Natalya's mission had ended 4 years ago, her heart ached when she saw Yelena training and Melina doing her job, killing people, Alexei was no-where to be found which confused Natalya, she was walking to Madame B's office "вы хотели видеть меня, мадам Б" said Natalya walking into the office "Ах да, госпожа Романова, заходите" Natalya closed the door when she entered "У меня есть для тебя задание, Наталья." Natalya's interest perked up "Что это такое?" she asked straining to look at the file on the desk "Убейте Клинта Бартона из ЩИТа, он на четыре года старше вас, и его не так уж сложно убить." said the Madame sliding the file to Natalya.

SHIELD base same time

Clint Barton a 19 year old SHIELD agent was walking to Fury's office, he walked in "you wanted to see me sir" he said closing the door, Fury spun around in his spiny chair and faced Barton "I have a mission for you" Clint's interest perked up "what is it?" he asked glancing at the file on Fury's desk "kill HYDRA, KGB and Red Room agent Natalya Romanova, she is four years younger than you with a kill count higher than you, me and Coulson combined" Barton nodded "what I'm asking you is pretty much suicide Barton, think very carefully before you accept this mission" Clint thought for thirty seconds, before speaking "decided, I'll accept the mission" Fury sighed and reluctantly handed over the file.


Natalya entered Budapest before checking into a hotel she read the mission brief find and kill Clint Barton was pretty much what she worked out from that brief, Natalya decided to go to the verandah not knowing her target was already there out of the corner of her eye she saw him, Clint Barton she turned and froze, she saw the gun in his thigh holster and grabbed the one on the table but he'd already shot her shoulder straight through she hissed in pain and appiled pressure to her shoulder but she was bleeding out and as she fell to the floor there was a sickening crunch.

Natalya blinked several times she looked around and noticed she wasn't dead, nor in the Red Room she looked at her leg and saw a bandage on her ankle and then saw one on her shoulder "be careful" said a voice, Natalya tensed "Clint Barton, Natalya Romanova, I was sent to kill you and you were sent to kill me" said the man "so why am I alive?" asked Natalya "because everyone deserves a second chance" said Clint. "What happened to my ankle?" she asked later as she sat up "I dunno, I shot in the shoulder the bullet went right through but as you fell your ankle bent the other way and broke before I could get to you" said Clint "do you have calcium?" asked Clint, Natalya shook her head "your bones are probably brittle, your very thin and pale do you eat at all?" "eating in a reward" said Natalya "so you don't eat and you've never been in the sun" said Clint connecting the dots, Natalya nodded.

Later that night

Natalya opted to stay on the couch when Clint woke up to muttering in Russian and knowing Russian so well meant Natalya was having a nightmare, Clint walked over to the couch and picked her up gently and laid her beside him and climbed into bed, the muttering stopped.

 Early the next morning

Natalya woke up in an unfamiliar place it wasn't the couch and she looked beside her and saw Clint Barton in the bed meaning he obviously heard her having a nightmare and picked her up and bought her to his bed 'but why? He knows I could kill him' thought Natalya and then she realised she didn't want to kill him she'd fallen for him and laid down again this time curled against him and fell asleep.

5: 00 am Clint and Natalya woke "You're coming to SHIELD with me" Natalya shook her head "Nat look at me it's gonna be fine" Natalya looked up 'Nat' she thought "I like the nickname" said Natalya

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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