Chapter 1: Meet me

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"Welcome to the daycare team, Y/N" Christopher (you're boss) said shaking my hand quite aggressively as he smiled. "This is You're uniform and is this the animatronic you'll be working with is Eclipse. Be nice to him he's more aggressive than sun,moon, and lunar. Do you understand Y/N?" Christopher said then asking me a question

"oh.. um.. yeah I understand, I think? Why is he more aggressive than Sun and moon as well as lunar?" I asked confused on why they would make an aggressive daycare attendant for young children

"Something just.. just went wrong with his code, be careful around him.. hes nearly killed 2 of out previous Game attendants" Christopher said his voice calm.. too calm for what he just said

"Oh.. well that's totally not concerning at all" I said in a sarcastic and annoyed tone "why am I working with him? Isn't he a game attendant not daycare attendant?" I asked curious on why I'm going to work with the game attendant instead of the daycare attendant?"

"Because, we just need you to? Now go change he's getting annoyed" Christopher said looking at eclipses camera "Don't si.p for him either Y/N" Christopher warned me.

"Why would I simp for a f#cking robot?" I asked confused on his warning

"Because every other attendant has..even the dammed daycare attendant helpers have, just a warning"

"I- okay, well bye for now Chris! You'll see me on the cameras" I said looking back then turning and heading into the changing room. To change into my new uniform. It was actually really cool different from any other uniform the entire outfit was black but every opening like the sleeves and neck hole was rimmed with a white lacing "this I'd kinda cute I guess?" I said leaving the changing room. "Well looks like I need to go get killed by a damn robot" I walked to the game center in the daycare section of the mega pizza plex. "here goes nothing"

"Finally took you three damn years to get here" Eclipse snarled at me an annoyed tone clearly in his breath

"You serm pleasant!" I said sarcasticly glaring are him

"Awwww~ thanks love!" he teased looking at me in a.. strange way.

3 months later

"You know I figured you would've at least tried to kill me by now, but no" i said as me and Eclipse were cleaning up the game station

"I probably would've if you weren't so f#cking cute" he mumbled which wasn't normal for him, considering he's a very loud animatronic.

"Are you calling me cute eclipse?" I asked looking over at his blushing face

"N-No! I'm not you f#cking a$$hole!" He snarled at me clearly upset I would 'assume' such things.

Simp Eclipse X Reader/ Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now