Bell test

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Next day ~ Sora POV

Kakashi and I were walking towards training ground 3 where the kids were already waiting.

"So... Are you going  to help for the test?", asked Kakashi side-glancing at Sora.

"Hmm? No I just wanted to see how it works. I never had a bell test."

"Uh? How come? I thought every genin team had to go through one?"

"Yeah that's true, but you remember how I graduated early and didn't have any specific team. So the Sandaime had me fight against a Jonin and I was strong enough to be promoted."


"Well looks like the kids are gonna murder you. Later.",I flickered into a tree and observed them.

Contrary to Og, the 3 were working together this time and were stronger besides Sakura who was still a bit useless

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Contrary to Og, the 3 were working together this time and were stronger besides Sakura who was still a bit useless.

"Hmm... Will your clone last against those attacks?"

Kakashi looked away from his book and glanced down at them. "Yeah, it should last until noon most likely. Anyway what are those jutsus you're teaching those kids! Is sensei aware of that!"

"Yeah yeah, they know. Tone down on the Big brother overprotectiveness. I had already tested their chakra besides Sakura. I think you should really go down, Sasuke look like he's about to use the sharingan."

"No it's fine. It can still last."

Suddenly Naruto created 100 clones all attacking him with a wind and water jutsu."

"You! Seriously you had to teach him THIS clone jutsu!"

"I told you it's fine, Naruto is a chakra powerhouse by himself. Well I doubt the you down there will be fine though."

By the time the clock rang, they successfully got the bell and they shared the bells between each other. Kakashi explained the importance of teamwork and comrades and gave them the lunch he had prepared.

On his way to the Hokage's office, I flickered next to him. "Obito would be proud."

"I'm sure he's looking down at me laughing that I'm using his words."

"Yeah he could definitely be.", we chuckled.

Hokage's office

The og team passed as well as Sai's and another team.

"Great!!", exclaimed Minato.

"Sora, what kind of jutsu are you teaching those kids! I had to defend seriously against them.", said Asuma.

"Yeah! Me too. I wasn't expecting Hinata to be this strong!"

"If you think that's strong. You should have seen Naruto and Sasuke combination! They could probably already graduate from Genins. He even taught Naruto the Kage bunshin jutsu."

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