Sleep & Hijinx

14 0 2

Words: 722
CW: None :3


Hijinx was getting ready for her usual walk, she put on a black T-shirt, with a dark royal blue sweatshirt to go over it, and a
pair of light blue bell bottoms were her choice of bottoms. She finished the outfit with a pair of Doc Martens and the put on a small amount of makeup. She took a deep breath before leaving, and left, ducking under the entrance before beginning her walk. People would clear a path for her out of fear, or because of her height, maybe the two vampire esc teeth, and sometimes because of her skin color.

             She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Two people that weren't paying attention had accidentally ran into her, one of them fell and the other stared at Hijinx. She waved and the two waved back, they had looked identical. Their height was the same, the outfit was the same the hats had the same style, but different patches. The main difference was their face, one had a permanent yellow shadow and the other one had the same thing but red.

"H-hi. I'm uh Hijinx"
Hijinx had said stuttering slightly, her voice was deep, yet feminine.
"Why salutations there Hijinx, my name is Nightmare and my twin brother that's on the floor would be called Dream."
Hijinx had chuckled slightly looking down at Dream. Dream had gotten back up and giggled nervously, his head spinning once. It seems that they would make robotic sounds. They didn't look human either. Hijinx had gotten curious.
"If i may ask, what are you-?"
She had asked tilting her head examining their bodies.
"Well, we'd be robotic polymorphs, and what exactly are you?"
Nightmare had answered, Hijinx was quite intrigued by the word polymorph.
"I'm a failed lab experiment-?"
She had answered nervously, this was the first time she had an opportunity to make a friend in a while. She didn't want to scare them away. Dream had tilted their head interested in what she had said recently.
"Oooo, that's interesting!"
Dream had an ear to ear grin as he started to inspect her body head to toe avoiding any of her sensitive areas. He then looked in her mouth and saw that her tongue was a muted purple. His brother just watched giggling at his brother.
"Your scales are really cool! Hey do you think i could grab your tongue it looks interesting!"
Hijinx gave him a weird look.
"You can look don't touch-"
She has said sticking out a 5 inch tongue, hijinx crossed her arms looking at them with a blank stare.
"That's actually very interesting!"
Dreams head spun as he examined it.
"Alrighty you can put your tongue back in your mouth!"
Dream said as she put her tongue back in her mouth. She thought for a moment before she spoke once again.
"Thank you I guess, uhh- do you think I could get your number? Just so we can stay in contact, I'd love to be friends!"
Hijinx had brought up with a small smile.
"Oh, yeah alright."
Nightmare responded as he gave her a small nod, they both took out their phones and showed hijinx their numbers. Hijinx had written them into their contact list.
"Alrighty, we gotta bounce I promised my brother that we would be there soon so bye!"
Dream exclaimed as he grabbed their brother by the wrist and dragged them off somewhere unknown.

Hijinx had started to walk off to her own house, content with the fact she befriended robots. She did not even questioning a thing. All she was thinking about was the fact her siblings weren't the only ones that saw her as cool and or nice.

As soon as she got home she took her Doc Martens off and threw herself onto her bed, obviously happy about the encounter earlier.
"I can't believe it!"
She exclaimed out of pure bliss. She took out her phone and texted one of the twins, the message had said 'Hey, would you like to hangout sometime? If not I understand, we're barely acquaintances.' She typed, trying not to sound to forward or eager. She put down her phone and turned on the TV inside of her room, watching Full house with a smile.

And then a notification popped up a few minutes later.


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