The Arch Enemies: Part 2

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In a penthouse apartment, in the tallest skyscraper of the city, an alarm rings and the automatic curtains open up to let the early golden rays of sunrise shine a  light on the sullen circumstance in which we find our hero. Madame Morose, looking very tired and sleepy, pokes her head out of her blankets, looks at the time and goes back to sleep saying, "Cyrus, snooze the alarm for twenty minutes."

<<Sure thing, ma'am, >> says the voice of a virtual assistant, <<Would you like the curtains closed or opened? >> the voice asked.

"Mmm, " she contemplates for a second, "close them."

<<Very well, ma'am, >> replied the voice, and as the curtains closed, it added, <<Sweet Dreams, ma'am.>>

She laid her head down and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, followed by a deeper sigh, and then she was asleep. In her sleep, she began to relive the events of her last encounter with Rocky, and she, once again, began to analyze every move and wonder if there was something she could've done differently. It had been several weeks since that last encounter and she had yet to figure out what she did wrong. She had been so close to achieving her goal of--

<<Ma'am, there's someone at the door for you>> interrupted Cyrus.

Frustrated from being awakened, she quickly replied, "I said NO VISITORS until further notice! Tell them to go away."

<<I tried, ma'am, but he's threatening to set the building on fire if he doesn't speak to you, >> responds Cyrus, <<Would you like me to alert the authorities? >>

"NO!!!" she shouts, a bit too excitedly, poking her head out of her blankets, "I know exactly who it is!" she says, hopping out of bed and fixing herself. She looked around her bedroom and finally noticed the mountains of dirty clothes and trash, mostly empty buckets of ice cream, on the floor. "Cyrus, we need to clean up this mess, quick! Open the curtains!"

<<Opening curtains, ma'am >> stated Cyrus as the curtains swing open, once again filling the room with bright sunshine and revealing more piles of clothes and trash in the corners of her room.

"Oh fuck!, " she says in disbelief, "He can't see this. He'll never talk to me again. Cyrus--"

*knock, knock*

She turns around and sees Rocky flying right outside her window, waving at her. She's mortified; frozen from embarrassment. In a whispering voice, she says, "Cyrus, can he see us???"

<<No, ma'am, >> replied Cyrus, <<You had privacy windows installed when you first built this penthouse. He can't see or hear us. >>

Phew, she sighed.

*knock, knock*

"Yoooooo!" Rocky began shouting and banging on the window, "Can you hear me? Wake up!"

She studied him from the safety of her privacy window and after a brief moment, she turned around and said, "Cyrus, forget the trash. Initiate the Icarus Protocol and wait for my signal to launch. " She got back into bed, saying, "Make all the preparations as quiet as possible, and don't do ANYTHING else without my authorization."

<<Yes, ma'am, >> replied Cyrus, <<What is the authorization password for the Icarus Protocol? >>

*knock, knock, knock*

"Hey! I'm just gonna let myself in through the roof, so get ready, " said Rocky as he flew away.

"Oh I'm ready, " she said to herself, and then to Cyrus, "The password is: Rocky Roads Ice Cream."

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