Chapter Thirty Three

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One day left.

I haven't slept. I've been in this building, surrounded by books and strange devices. My brain hurts, but things are slowly starting to make sense.

In the trials, they test three things: science, technology and art. I'm good at none of those.

I'm screwed.

If they would ask me to run, however, I would ace it. I've been running my whole life.

My brain is on overdrive from the amount I have been thinking. It all feels pointless. These trials are designed for people who grew up here, whose brains have been trained to think the way these trials want them to think.

If I don't get this wish . . .

A loud horn goes off, blowing so loud that it makes the floor vibrate. I stand, looking around, but there is nobody.

Going through the hallways that the guards had lead me through yesterday, I rush forward to the source of it, curiosity pushing me faster.

Why would they blow a horn? It has to be an emergency. At home, they'd ring bells to indicate a fire or weather issue.

What would a weather issue be here? An underwater tsunami? A sand storm?

When I reach the front door, I have to push my way out through the crowd. What the heck is this?

I don't bother to ask anyone, because they wouldn't understand me and it might just highlight me as an outsider.

Rig he now, I'd rather blend in.

They're all wearing beautiful clothes; whites and creams. It almost seems like a wedding except everyone is the bride and groom. They're so elegant.

I'm wearing a plain white pants and top that was left for me in my room. I threw my hair into a bun because I needed to spend my time preparing for the Night Trials that start tomorrow evening.

People are gathering around tables and eating different kinds of delicious-smelling foods. There are white tables lined with more food than I've seen in my life, even at the Hakeem's ma'duba which feels like it was lifetimes ago.

I have no idea how long it's truly been. It could have been days or months. I spent so long trying to get out of a routine and now everything is unexpected and I wish I knew what would happen next. For once, I just want things to not feel crazy.

The food. I can't stop staring. Plates and containers filled with all kinds of seafood and other things that I've never seen before.

Is it stealing if I take some, or is everyone allowed to have?

I forgot to eat today. I've always been used to skipping meals, so it means nothing, but to see this food . . .

My stomach twists. So I step forward and take a plate, dishing a bit of everything.

I try to move off to the side of the crowd and lean against the wall of the building I had been studying in.

People around are eating with their hands, so I copy them. As soon as the food is in my mouth, I'm melting. This is so good. No ways.

A moan leaves my lips and I immediately shovel more into my mouth, unable to wait for my next bite.

With a clean plate—I'd lick it if there weren't so many people around—I search for a place to put it. But nobody seems to have eaten as fast as I did. I walk over to the rows of food, wondering if I should take more food just to avoid standing around awkwardly.

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