Chapter 17 - The Truth

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- Mateos pov

I'm practically shaking at the audacity of him. Who does he think he is. I'm cutting him off and making sure his mom knows of how he's treating girls. I've tried so hard to change him and make him a better person but I just can't manage too.

I'm sitting in my car outside of Zayas house after putting her in her bed. The urge to punch something is overwhelming and I can't help but sigh.

If I punch Vicente again I could be charged with assault and get some serious jail time. I'm also not supposed to be punching under the doctors rules but it's a little too late for that.

I pull my phone out with my good hand and call my ma.

On the third ring she picks up.

"Hola mi hijo! What are you doing up this late?" My excited mom asks

(Hello my boy)

"Hola mamá, it's only eleven o'clock." I laugh.

(Hello ma)

"So what?" She pauses and takes a drink of something.

"You've got to stay healthy. How was your day?" She asks me with a sigh.

"I am healthy mamá. Mi dia fue aburrido." I sigh and lean back in my car.

(My day was lame)

"I know you're healthy, you've got strong muscles. What happened today to make it bad?" My ma asks concerned.

"Vicente empezó a cagar conmigo y engañó a nemina. Lo golpeé una o dos veces y me metí en problemas con la policía. también estaba hablando de Zaya el otro día y estaba hablando de su cuerpo. así que le di un puñetazo." I grit my teeth as my accent becomes heavier with a lilt.

(Vicente started shit with me and cheated on nemina. I punched him once or twice and got in trouble with the cops. He was also talking about Zaya the other day and was talking about her body. so I punched him.)

"¡No jures a mi alrededor! Dile a Vicente que hablaré con sus padres. dios que mierda." My mother mutters from the other line.

(dont you swear around me! You tell Vicente ill be talking to his parents. god what a little shit.)

"No Mamá." I groan and throw my head back.

"¿qué? No vuelvas a hablar con él, ¿de acuerdo?" My mother demands and takes a deep breath.

(what? dont talk to him again, ok?)

"sí mamá lo tengo. como van las vacaciones" I ask and stare at my garage door.

(Yes mom I got it. How's vacation going?)

"ah, no me molestes con esa mierda. Cuéntame sobre ti y Zaya." My mom asks and I cringe.

(ah dont bother me with that bullshit. tell me about you and Zaya.)

"¡Mamá! What are you talking about?" I ask nervously.

"Mateo Gio Valdez. You think I'm blind? I see the way you look at her. You like her?" My mom says in a suggestive tone.

I mutter some curses under my breath and sigh.

"I'm not sure mamá. It's really confusing." I admit and close my eyes. I switch the phone to speaker mode and set it on my dash.

"What do you mean confusing Mateo? You either like her or you don't." She says and by her tone I know she's rolling her eyes.

"I've had two panic attacks in the past few weeks. I need to go on my meds again ma. I think I like Zaya. I don't want to tell her even if I do because what if I ruin our relationship?" I ramble and rub my temples, a migraine forming from my moms questions.

"¿qué? ¿Y no pensaste en decírselo a tu propia madre? ¿Estás bien, mi niño? ¿Necesito bajar? Reservaré el próximo vuelo. solo espera hasta que llegue allí. Seré capaz de decir si ustedes se gustan a partir de una interacción." My mother rambles and I groan.

(what? and you didnt think to tell your own mother? are you doing okay my boy? do i need to come down. ill book the next flight. you just wait till i get down there. ill be able to tell if you guys like eachother from one interaction.)

"Mamá, no necesitas bajar, ¿de acuerdo? Solo necesito mis medicamentos. Te llamaré más tarde, ¿de acuerdo?" I roll my eyes and stretch.

(mom you dont need to come down okay? i just need my meds. ill call you later okay?)

"ok, los ordenaré y podrás recogerlos. te amo mateo" my mom sighs with me and sips her drink again.

(okay ill order them and you can pick them up. i love you mateo.)

"yo tambien te amo mama" I tell her and end the call.

(I love you too mom.)

I get out of my car and stare up at my house. The light is on upstairs in my brothers room. I bet he's camping out until my mom comes back.

I enter the house and sigh as I see the food I bought yesterday on the counter. He's been eating my goddamn money.

"Levon!" I yell through the house. My nostrils flaring and my fists clenching.

"What? You need to stop punching things. You should really consider boxing though." My head whips to my brother on the couch with his hand in my chips.

"Go get a god damn job." I snap and rip the chips out of his hand.

"Fuck you. Give me them back." He jumps the couch and reaches for them. I swat his hands away and head towards the kitchen.

"I don't need this right now." I snap and start putting the food away.

"What's up?" Levon asks, completely forgetting about the chips.

"Vicente." I say not wanting to indulge more.

"Well tell me more." He rolls his eyes and leans against the counter.

"He cheated on Nemina and started to say shit about Zaya so I punched him twice and I got a warning from the town sheriff. A bunch of bullshit if you ask me." I cross my arms and lean against the dining room table.

"What was he saying about Zay? What the hell is his problem lately. Marcello told me that Vicente is going through something I guess." Levon glances at the ground and furrows his eyebrows.

"He was talking about her body and being with her. I don't know his problem but he keeps taunting me. Hey how is Marcello?" I ask.

"Oh fuck him. That's Zaya he's talking about. Marcello's good, he's actually on a date right now." He curls his lip.

"Right, I thought he would have some human decency. Marcello on a date? I've got to see it." I smile at the thought of him on a date.

"Whatever, don't waste your time on Vicente. He's an asshole. Yeah Marcello fell in love or something with this chick he seen and he's on a date at a fancy restaurant too." He smiles.

"Huh. Never thought I would see the day he went on a date." I mutter.

"Heading to bed. See you later." I tell him and head towards my room.

I close the door and glare at my mess of a room. My clothes are all over and my desk is filled with sketches, pens, and pencils. All the sketches managed to have dark curly hair and cropped shirts.

Zaya would have a panic attack if she seen my room like this.

I smile at the thought of Zaya organizing and change into some pajama pants. I throw my shirt at my laundry basket and miss. I crawl into bed and go to messages.

I text Zaya telling her goodnight and shut my phone off. I sigh and close my eyes.


Next chapter will def have the moms and some more Vicente drama. I hope the Spanish was correct.

Feel very free to correct me on the Spanish. I don't speak it and I would love if someone pointed out something wrong for me.

Word count: 1333

- Ella :)

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