Chapter One

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Nobody POV
Chicago, Illinois

Milan lay in her bed sleeping holding onto her favorite teddy they say your childhood is the best moment but that wasn't for Milan. Her parents always argue and fight right in front of her. Milan felt things were her fault maybe if she wasn't here they would be happy again she keep saying things in her head because her mother always reminded her nobody had gone to love her better.

Milan woke to a big crash sound she got up looking around for her slippers. She prayed to god her parents weren't fighting or someone broke in. The little fourteen-year-old girl open her door and walked down the stairs seeing her father punching her mother while she tried to fight back but he was a strong man and her mother was very slim.

"Get off Mommy," Milan says loudly.

"Go to your room Milan, "Her mother says.

"No he hitting you again mama," Milan says shaking her head.

"Babygirl daddy just teaching your mother a lesson, "The father says.

"Jamel you better leave my house now, "Her mother says begging up off the floor then punching and landing on her mother's face Milan ran into the kitchen and found the gun her father keeps there. Milan pointed the gun at the father shots went off four times hitting his back he fell so fast that her mother was shocked and started crying hard. Nobody in the room could believe their eyes what just happened.

"Look what you did, "Her mother says turning over to her husband's body he lay there with blood coming out his mouth his eyes were still open.

"Mommy didn't mean it I was trying to help, "Milan says crying she was shaking she didn't want to kill her father at all but he was hurting her mother.

"Please answer, "Her mother says calling the cops.

"911 what's your emergency," A man on the line says.

"Shots have been fired in my house on 65th street please hurry up, "Her mother says she looked at her daughter with hate Mesha couldn't believe her daughter did this she loved her husband so much but time get rid of her daughter. The cops came Milan stood there shaking with the gun in her hands the cops slowly approach Milan and then grabbed the gun she was under arrest.

"I'm sorry," Milan says crying.

"You, not you killed my husband bitch" Mesha said trying to slap Milan but the cops didn't let her through.

Every neighbor came out to watch the scene people kept saying how sweet Milan was and that she problem trying to help out her mother but this day change Milan's whole left and how she view her mother.



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