Part 1 therapy session

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Leo was listening to his twin brother Donatello talk about his problems "I'm just feel useless now do to everyone having mystic powers." Donnie said Leo said "Don't worry Don-tron your as usefull as everyone here..." Leo than thought "minus me of course I'm the worthless person out of all of us." Leo continued, "Your tech is the best and is always handy when we need it." Donnie responded with this, "thanks Nardo your the best you always are helping us when we need it." Leo than said, "Your welcome Donnie." Leo than thought, " your giving me way too much credit Donatella I'm the worst out of all of us I screw everything up and I always find a way to put us in a bad situation hell Raphael had to take over on being leder because I was horrible at it." Leo then said after a few moments of silence, "Well Donnie that's it for today Donnie I'll see you later we will be having another therapy session tomorrow thu got it." "Got it Leo see you at dinner tonight." Donnie says than walks out of room quickly Leo stands there before starting to cry another mental break down this the 4th time this week and it's only Tuesday Leo hated these mental break down it was like a wall he built for his emotions was starting to break he didn't like it he always cover up his emotions he always pretend that's all he knew to do other than being the medic, after he stopped crying uncontrollable he cleaned everything up from the thearpy session then went to his room to finish crying and talk down to himself he didn't deserve happiness he thought the others deserve happiness and not him he didn't understand why he just felt like that was true even thu it wasn't and he knew that.... poor boy

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