6 | House Rules

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"Spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in. I can see you're lonely down there. Don't you know that I am right here?"

~ Harry Styles, Satellite

Sophie didn't mean to, but she ended up falling asleep on the couch

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Sophie didn't mean to, but she ended up falling asleep on the couch. She woke to Cillian still sitting on the floor, his eyes glued to the ground.

With a disgruntled huff, she lugged herself to her feet and marched to the kitchen. She dug through her junk drawer for a pen and pad of paper, and plopped back down on the couch after. She scribbled words down for a few minutes until she was satisfied with whatever she came up with.

She closed the cap on the pen and straightened the notebook in her hands. "Okay, listen up." She started, catching Cillian's attention. His shoulders visibly squared and his posture straightened. "I have a few rules written down that I need you to follow."

He didn't say anything, but she could tell he was listening.

"First things first... I don't want to have to order you around all the time. If you want to stand, stand. If you want to sit, sit- on the couch or chair or something of the sorts." She listed off. He was confused with the latter part of that, but of course didn't voice it.

He was never allowed to sit on furniture, or really in general. The only time he was allowed to was when he was in his cell. If he was out of his cell, he was working. Furniture was a privilege.

"Just because I told you to sit down..." she paused to check the time. "Gosh, an hour ago? I slept that long? Anyway, just because I told to sit that long ago, doesn't mean you have to stay there the whole time."

She waved the pen around for emphasis. "Feel free to eat the food in the fridge, hang out in your room, watch some tv, whatever. Don't just... sit here and watch me sleep."

He was disappointed with that. He was always told not to look at humans. When she was sleeping, he used that as an opportunity to admire her. He couldn't during the day, all he could sneak were glances. When she was sleeping was when he was really able to look at her.

He admired the way her long brown hair cascaded down off the side of the couch, her long eyelashes that rested on the tops of her cheeks, hiding her gray pretty eyes from him. He admired her soft looking skin and plump pink lips that hid her straight, white teeth.

She continued right along to the next thing. "Secondly, on to more important things..." she eyed him over her notebook. For the first time, she caught him glancing at her. It was brief, but she noticed. "Do not, under any circumstances, ever bite me again." She read and paused to see what he thought of it. Of course his face gave away nothing, but at least he heard it.

"Do not go in my room, do not force yourself on me, do not hurt me, do not kill me-" the list went on and to be honest, it hurt him to think he'd do such things to her.

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