[1.9] Regretful

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"For the record," Hobie took a step back as a portal opened behind him. "I quit." He looked at Marina expectantly, as if calling her to join him. She looked at him nervously, biting her lower lip. She glanced away from him, seeing the rest of the Spider Society chasing Miles. 

That poor kid...

"Are you sure about this, Hobie? We — If we do this, it's like we're... going against every other Spiderman that's in Spider Society..." Marina stared at Hobie worriedly. "Been goin' against bastards my whole life. Nothing new to me." He shrugged. "You with me, luv?"

Marina let out a sigh, before nodding. "I'm so sorry for leaving, Sir O'Hara. Please don't get mad at me, I'm pointing my finger at Hobie on this." She prays to herself before dropping her bracelet on the ground, and following Hobie in the portal. Hobie rolls his eyes, he knew that despite Marina's words, she wanted to come with him deep down.

Traveling without glitching was no problem to them, since Hobie and Marina have been making their own bracelets. Mostly with the useless tech parts from Marina's dimension, but some from their headquarters that Hobie had stolen. He tells Marina that it's just some junk he found on his Earth, but she knows damn well he's stealing them.

They've been making their own bracelets for emergencies, such as a full grown man calling war on a 15 year old who only wishes to save his father.

Marina understood where both sides came from. She'd react that way too, probably — if she found out beforehand that her uncle would pass away. There was a bigger chance that she'd be too scared to go against Miguel, and most likely just cry and piss her pants about it — but that's not the point!

It made sense when Miguel mentioned that it was a choice between saving one person or the multiverse.

As easy as the decision may seem, the correct choice seems heavy and cold when you know you'd be giving up someone important to you. Having to live in the world you sacrificed them for, knowing that they'll only be in your memories from then on. It was painful, and Marina understood why Miles was running away now.

She wonders what's happening right now. With thousands of Spiderpeople, with different abilities, after him. How would he be able to escape all of them? Especially Miguel.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a light touch on her hand. Turning down, she saw Hobie holding her pinky finger with his. Gulping, Marina slowly looked up at meet his eyes.

"You're worrying." Hobie says, and Marina scoffs. "Why wouldn't I? Aren't you worried for Miles?" She raises an eyebrow, and Hobie shakes his head. "Nah. Kid can handle himself, m' sure of it." He grinned, and plopped himself down on the couch.

It was only then that Marina had realized that they were in Hobie's apartment. Gwen may like his place, but Marina certainly didn't. It was messy, and Marina was a bit of a clean freak.

She offered to arrange the messy place, even just a tiny bit... but Hobie refused, saying that his entire apartment was a statement. Obviously, Marina didn't like his reason, but that's whatever now.

"Sit." Hobie says, patting the space beside him. Marina groans, "I thought I made myself clear last time that I won't return here unless you allow me to organize your... stuff." She walked over to Hobie, sitting down on the couch.

The male rolled his eyes with a smile, "Yeah. 'N I thought I told you to shut up and take in my art, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on Marina's thigh to pull her closer. She whines, and scoots over, leaning on Hobie.

"You think Miles is safe?" Marina asks, looking up at him. Hobie stares at her curiously, "You met the kid few hours ago, and you're worried?" He questions, head tilted to the side.

A lot of shit happened few hours ago, but Marina's been trying to forget about her most recent loss with this new problem that Miles had caused. It was her way of running away from having to face her emotions.

Marina pulls away from Hobie, and sighs. "Of course! If you were the one being chased by thousands of Spiderpeople, I'd be worried too. How is he gonna be able to defend himself, all alone?" The both of them stare at each other in silence, and Marina hesitantly says, "...Should we go back?"

"Relax. Gwendolyn wouldn't let anythin' bad happen to him." He tried to reassure her. "You sound like his mother, ya know that?"

"And you sound like a father who's put too much trust on his son." Marina narrows her eyes at Hobie, who shakes his head with a chuckle. Spotting a bottle of beer from a table, he webs it towards him.

Marina narrows her eyes at Hobie. "It's..." She glances at the clock on the wall, which is slightly tilted to the side with a cracked surface. "It's 2 in the afternoon, Brown!" She slapped his arm lightly. "You're drinking beer at this time? Really?"

Hobie scoffs, pulling his beer away from Marina in case she tries to snatch it from him. "Don't know if you're aware, but I do what pleases me, luv." He drinks from the bottle, and Marina rolls her eyes.

She leans back on the couch, and stares up at the ceiling. "What are we supposed to do now, Hobie?" She asks softly.

"What we usually do. We don't need that uptight idiot up on our asses." Hobie responds, tilting his head back as he drank his beer. Marina focuses on his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down as he gulped down his drink, and glances around the room in a panic.

Marina Parker, what the hell is happening to you?

Pulling her legs up, and folding them against her chest, Marina grumbles. "Have you ever thought about what we'd be like now, if we were never invited to the Spider Society?" She wraps her arms around her legs, and rests her chin on her knees.

"I'd still be cool, as I've always been." Hobie shrugs, and Marina stares at him, unamused. "But then — that'd mean that I wouldn't have ever met you if I decided not to join." Hobie adds, and there's some kind of... unexplainable feeling on Marina's chest and stomach once she takes in his words.

Marina smiles at him softly, "That's nice, Hobie. I'm also partially thankful to have met you. Mostly regretful, but you get my point." She giggles, and Hobie playfully glares at her.

"Yeah now? Bet you'd be making these stupid jokes with someone borin' as hell if we'd never met."

Hobie's fingers made their way to Marina's waist, tickling her sides. She quickly leans back on the couch, laughing loudly. "Hobie Brown — Enough!" She wheezes, trying to push his hands away.

"Nah. You're enjoyin' this."

"I'm... Not! Hey!" She laughs, tears swelling up in the corner of her eyes. "Brown!"

The grin on Hobie's face widens as he eventually stopped tickling Marina, finally letting her breathe. She lets out a sigh of relief, and glares at Hobie. "What was that all about?!"

She realizes the rather awkward position they ended up in: Marina laying down on the couch, Hobie in between her legs with an amused expression. Her lips slightly parted in shock, and she quickly turned away from him. Hobie didn't seem to realize the situation he's put her in, as he continued to stare down at her.

"Regretful, are you now?"



𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄, 𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻¹Where stories live. Discover now