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As I listened to Emeric's proposal, my eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Go on," I replied hesitantly, wondering what kind of deal he was offering me.

I couldn't help but feel skeptical, even if Emeric's deal managed to sound enticing. I had learned to be cautious, to not let my hopes rise too high. After all, I knew that Emeric's motive for keeping me safe was purely selfish. Even if he cared about protecting me from both the Hunters and my lack of healing, it wasn't really for my benefit. It was for his own.

Since his wolf had finally met me, Emeric would never be able to forget me. His wolf would drive him to think of me, to be around me, to protect me at all costs. His wolf would haunt his dreams with visions of me, and use its primal instincts to get what it wanted. It was all about the wolf's need to claim its mate, to keep her safe and close.

As I looked into Emeric's eyes, I could see the internal struggle he was going through. On the one hand, he knew that I was without a wolf. He knew that until he either rejected me, or my wolf returned, our bond couldn't fully form. On the other hand, he knew that his wolf's needs were driving him, pushing him to keep me close no matter the cost.

Against my will, I felt a pang of sadness for him. It must be exhausting to have your own instincts constantly at war with your rational mind. To have your wolf pushing you to do things you might not otherwise do.

But even as I felt sorry for him, I couldn't help but be wary. After all, Emeric was a wolf, and wolves were known for their cunning and their ability to get what they wanted, especially Alphas. I knew that I had to be careful, to not let my guard down too easily.

Emeric was watching me stare at him. He was silent as he did so, keeping me on edge and anticipating what the deal might be. Finally, when it seemed we were both sick of the silence, he started to speak.

"You stay here for a year, twelve months, and learn what it means to be part of a pack. Work with our healer to find your wolf, and let me protect you. Remember who you are, Gemini. Remember that you are a wolf. Remember that you belong in a pack. Remember that you're not human."

Emeric paused, looking at me like he was trying to gauge my reaction to his words, and then he continued. "If, by the end of the year, you still don't want to be here, I'll let you leave. I'll reject you and take you back to the town where I found you," Emeric explained, outlining the terms of his offer. He had clearly taken the time to put this idea together.

"How do I know that you'll really let me leave?" I asked him. It was hard to believe that a powerful Alpha like himself would truly let me go, knowing full well how detrimental it would be to his power.

Emeric stared at me, and I could see in his eyes that he was offended by my words again. He seemed to be particularly touchy about me insinuating that he would keep me here against my will.

"I'll swear it," Emeric finally said. His voice grew low and sounded terrifying. "I will prepare a blood contract. You have no reasons to doubt me."

I felt my mouth fall open at his serious words, looking into his eyes and trying to decipher if he was joking, or not. I couldn't believe my ears. Emeric was proposing a blood contract, a binding agreement that could only be performed by an Alpha, and was reserved for only the most serious of oaths. The legends of our people spoke of them in hushed whispers, warning of their power and permanence. If he were to sign one, there would be no negotiating, no loopholes. Breaking the terms of the contract meant certain death.

As I looked into Emeric's eyes, I tried to discern whether he was joking or not. But the seriousness in his expression and the weight of his words told me all I needed to know. Emeric was deadly serious about allowing me to leave, and he was willing to bind himself to an unbreakable contract to prove it.

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