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Karasuno has arrived at the gymnasium that Nekoma had booked for today's practice match. Both teams lined up face to face and greeted each other. 

"Kenma!" Hinata calls for him. " go to Nekoma!"

"Uh, yeah," Kenma tells him. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hinata asks him. 

"You never ask." He tells him.

"But you said 'See you later!' You must've known something." Hinata tells him.

"Your t-shirt gave it away." He tells him.

"Hey, hey, hey. What business might you have with our setter?" Yamamoto says while trying to scare Hinata away.

"You too. What business might you have with our first year? Eh?" Tanaka says while trying to scare Yamamoto off.

"What's it to you? Eh?" Yamamoto questions Tanaka.

"Wanna fight, city boy?" Tanaka threatens him.

"You are about to rumble in the game we're about to play," Suga tells him.  "And stop the 'city boy' thing. It's embarrassing." This made Tanaka freeze in his spot.

"Yamamoto, you're always quick to pick a fight. Stop it. It makes you look stupid." Yaku told him off. Both of them were soon embarrassed that they didn't say anything after that, while Suga and Yaku apologize to each other for their member's behavior.

Soon, both Hikaru and Kiyoko got off the bus and they made their way inside the gymnasium. As they were walking, Yamamoto saw the two female managers walking by him and this caused him to freeze on the spot. 

"Female manager, god!" He stuttered as he was dumbstruck by Hikaru and Kiyoko's looks. 

"Right on! They have two female managers!" Inuoka says.

"Yakisoba bun score!" Both Inuoka and Yuki celebrate together. 

"You'll pay for this!" Yamamoto says before running away dramatically. 

As Hikaru was walking, she notices that Hinata was talking to Kenma. "Kenmaaaaaa!" Hikaru shouted excitedly as she ran towards Kenma and tackled him to the ground. 

"Nice to see you too, Karu," Kenma says happily. 

"Eh, how do the two of you know each other," Hinata asks the two of them as he helps both Hikaru and Kenma up from the ground. 

"He's my childhood friend. We use to go to the same elementary school together." I tell Hinata.

"That's so cool!" Hinata says. 

Kenma and Hikaru then made their way into the gymnasium together. Inside the gymnasium...

"I'm looking forward to our game today," Kuroo tells Daichi as they both shake each other hands.  

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