Episode Fifteen

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"Friday fear is my morning cheer! Let's do this for another year!" Lyla skipped as she hit my ponytail on her way to the back seat

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"Friday fear is my morning cheer! Let's do this for another year!" Lyla skipped as she hit my ponytail on her way to the back seat.

"Stop!" I yelled. It was way too early for her shit. I'd slept horribly the night before. I couldn't get that car out of my mind. Whenever I fell asleep, it was in my dreams, just sitting there taunting me.

"Then stop trying to look pretty, trailer trash." Lyla sat as I tried to figure out if that was a compliment. If so, it was the first compliment I'd ever gotten from Lyla.

"Everyone knows you're gonna grow up to be just like your mom. Even Jordan thinks so. Don't you, Jordan?" Lyla yelled at me, and I took back every nice thought I was just thinking about her. Lyla was her normal terrible self today.

I threw a glare at Jordan while he sat down next to her. Jordan just started laughing and shook his head at me, telling me there was nothing he could do about her bullshit.

Once we made it to school, I was apprehensive about seeing my locker. Kaleb met me at the bus, shocking the hell out of me. When he saw me, he sighed in relief like something horrible had happened to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he fell into step beside me. "I heard about what happened."

He had? Then why hadn't he texted me? He didn't need to meet me at the bus.

"No, but I will be." I said as he walked me into the school. "I have something to talk to you about later whenever we get some time alone."

Kaleb searched my eyes as he nodded. He knew something was up. I wanted to tell him about the car that followed me. Kaleb rubbed arms with me until we got to my locker. His hand even touched mine a few times, and the last time, his hand lingered over mine a little too long.

I didn't let myself think anything about it. If I got my hopes up, he would just let me down again. He was just trying to take care of an old friend, and I was that friend.

Travis glanced between us when he met me at my now clean locker, eyeing Kaleb closely.

"Your locker looks better." Kaleb nodded in approval. He was putting on an act, and only I could tell. No one would be able to tell except for me.

"Hey, baby," Travis wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. When he pulled back, he held me close. "Thanks for walking her. I'll take it from here, Cole."

"Yeah, no worries. I just heard what happened, and I wanted to see the locker for myself." Kaleb glanced between the two of us, gritting his teeth. "See you later."

"See ya," I opened my locker as Kaleb left, and put my stuff away.

"You and Cole seem closer." Travis watched Kaleb walk away before he analyzed my face.

I shook my head. "I don't know what that was about. That never happens."

"Maybe it's because he knows you're off the market for good." Travis chuckled, but I didn't get the joke.

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