chapter four

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iv: art

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iv: art

( late october 1991 )

Lydia becomes James friend easily. It's like they were meant to be friends since they walked the earth. She had also befriended Remus of course, and then there's Sirius.

Sirius Black would come over with James to hangout obviously cause their stuck like glue but he'd come without James too, like a lot.

It had been like this since he proclaimed loudly to her "you are my new best friend!"  The dude wouldn't leave her alone, always showing up unannounced. It was kind of annoying at first but she's grown to adore him and looks forward to when he shows up at her house uninvited.

Today was one of those days as Lydia heard a loud knock and a yell of "open the door, i'm fucking freezing out here!"  Fucking drama queen. He's been on her porch for not even a minutes time.

"Dia!" he yelled and hugged her as if he had not seen her just yesterday.

"Siri!" she yelled back with just as much enthusiasm, entertaining his dramatics. He let go, walked in and headed towards the kettle.

"I'll make us some tea" he said and started the process. The room was silent but in a nice way.

"Where's James been? I haven't see him in like a week?" Lydia asked with a frown.

"He's been working, it's been busy in his office" Sirius supplied as an answer.

"Why doesn't he just live off his rich boy money like you" Lydia joked.

"He likes to work and I don't. I'd rather do other things with my time" Sirius balances the full tea mugs in his hands and sits while handing her one.

"Like what things" Lydia sipped her tea, interested whenever it came to Sirius's life, he just has the best stories.

"Oh, I went to America a few months ago! Went surfing, it was crazy. Remus was awful and I was amazing at it. He even cried you know that? Poor guy, he just didn't have the skills I did. I consoled him though so he's over it" Sirius rambled. Sirius is obviously playing it up a bit. No way Remus cared enough to cry over that and she heard from James he's not much better than Remus at surfing. She pretends he's not being delusional though because she's a good friend so she nods along and listens and manages not to roll her eyes. She should win a prize for her patience.


The phone rang the next morning over and over and over again. Finally, Lydia got out of bed to answer the landline.

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