And the story begins..

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As I stepped out of the the piece of shit that I call my car I quickly noticed that the door to my house was left slightly open. I didn't think much of it knowing that i'm very clumsy and may have forgotten to close it. But as I got closer to the door I could hear the voices of what sounded to be several men. Was I hallucinating?

I slowly and quietly stepped inside careful to not make a sound. The voices got louder and I could feel the hairs on the back of neck stand up as I realized that I wasn't hallucinating and that the voices of those men were very much real.

I built up enough courage to peek around the corner and surely enough there were three men all dressed in flashy suits that all complimented there tall muscular bodies perfectly. Before they could see me I quickly ran to my room where I know that my gun was safely stashed in my bedside table. When I had got to my room I slammed my door and locked it, but not long after I could hear what sounded like a herd of elephants chase after me. They tried to open the door yelling for me to let them in, but I held my gun up to the door waiting for them to burst open the door any second from now.

Before I knew it one of the men had kicked the door down and his tall monstrous body towered over me.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled.

I tried to pull the trigger to my glock but all I heard was a very soft click noise.

Shit had I forgot to load my gun. No surely not, but after trying again and realizing that my gun was useless I launched it across the room and it hit the man right in the face giving me enough time to run out of my room and right into the arms of one of the most scary looking men that I had ever seen.

" Going somewhere?" he asked in a low soothing voice that almost made me melt in his huge muscular arms.

I was frantically flailing my arms and legs trying to get him to let me go I was screaming bloody murder in attempt to try and scare them off.

"Would you shut the fuck up." the third man said approaching me with a rope and stained blue rag.

"Let me go!" I shrieked.

The man that I had just thrown my gun at grabbed my wrists and began to tie them with the rope that the third man had brought.

As he tied my wrist, my face grew pale and I could feel the warm tears slowly flow down my cheeks.

"Aw look we made her cry." the man that was holding me in his arms said. He pushed me back into my room where he then grabbed the chair to my desk and told me to sit. But I refused scared that sitting down would only make me weaker and in more danger.

"Did I fucking stutter!" He yelled.

"N-no." I mumbled then I took a seat. The man that had brought the rag and the rope introduced himself.

"Hello sweetheart I'm Lorenzo." I could tell he was just one of the side pieces to the boss who was standing just beside him.

Just as I was about to speak the man with the low soothing voice crouched down in front of me and introduced himself as Dante Umberto. Only the most powerful mafia man in all of Italy.

"W-what do you want from me" I stuttered. His beautiful blue eyes met mine and before I could ask anymore questions he spoke again.

" I believe that you have something that belongs to me." he growled

"And what could I have that would be special enough that Dante Umberto would be standing right in front of me." I hissed

"Watch your tone with me princess I would hate to have to kill you, and besides I believe that you would of much greater use rather than the millions of dollars that your father owes me." he said with a smirk.

"W-what do you m-mean my father could never owe such a piece of shit like you that much money, besides he's a millionaire himself." I said immediately regretting my decision.

"That's it! Simon pack her shit she's coming with us!" he yelled.

I quickly got up from the chair and kicked him right in his dick! But it didn't even phase him.

"Lorenzo grab her." he said with fiery eyes. Before I knew it I was in Lorenzo's arms trying to break free, but it's kind off a pain in the ass when my hands are tied behind my back with rope.

Dante grabbed the blue rag Lorenzo had earlier and he held it up against my mouth. I was trying to scream for help but everyone and everything grew quieter and before I knew it I had passed out in the arms of Lorenzo.

Kidnapped by the Mafia King Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz