night out

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20, HTX
saturday , September 12th
1:59 pm

sitting in my living room we were all sitted crowded around my phone .

come to find out it was kole asking me about ky .

she was asking me to have a sit down with her so we could chat 1on1 .

ky'mier was telling me i didn't have to but honestly i wanted to .. i didn't want any bad blood fr .

she was asking for tomorrow which was sunday also my day off.

i told her i'd meet her whenever she wanted to meet at and she sent me the address .

the boys left about 20 mins ago , i was now washing the dishes and i was gonna get ready to get in the shower .

me and lataurus had been texting every since he texted me .

he said that he was going to this lil kickback jawn today and i should come and get to know him

i was constiplating on whether i wanted to go or not .

he was actually funny and chill .

" she said she never been in love ." i hummed as i washed my dishes

wiping my hands off i picked my phone up checking the time .

it was 2:05 it was still early as fuck , i texted ralph to see if he knew anything about the party

when i got done i grabbed me a bag of chetto puffs and a apple juice and headed to my room .

i was lowkey sleepy , i had cooked and washed dishes and shit .

i got in my bed and laid there opening my chips and eating them .

checking my phone i seen that ralph texted back .

he said that his homeboy tez was hosting the party but he wasn't sliding cause he was kicking it with some ho .

he said that if i went let him know so his homebody's could look out for me .

i told him i was going because why not ?

before i knew it i was sleep asf. 


waking up it was 7:44 , i woke up later than i expected but im never on time anyways.

the kickback was at some club .. i got up going to the bathroom because i had to pee .

as i peed i thought abt what i was gonna wear i know i wanted to wear my ricks .

and a dress .

i got up wiping myself and then going to the sink , i grabbed my toothbrush and ran hot water gettitng my tooth brush wet .

after i brushed my teeth i went to my closer finding a dress .

my hair was looking a lil crazy so i grabbed a comb and curled the ends a little but .

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