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Annelise is shown in a state of undress, breathing heavily. She is positioned on top of Phileo who keeps his hand in contact with her waist while wearing a suggestive smirk on his face.

They have been engaging in this activity intensively to the extent that Annelise has lost track of how many rounds they have completed.

Annelise wearily reclined onto her husband's chest as they both reached climax. She had become extremely tired  and was beginning to feel drowsy, hardly able to move a muscle.

Phileo gently stroked her hair while affectionately planting a kiss on the crown of her head.

"My dearest, I have yet to complete my tasks," expressed Phileo.

Annelise softly muttered, "No more..." as she slowly succumbed to drowsiness.

"Let us proceed with one additional session. Thereafter, you may take as much time to rest as desired and subsequently acquire any desired items during our outing," uttered Duke Phileo, evoking a glimmer of enthusiasm in Annelise's eyes regarding the prospect of purchasing her desires.

Annelise contemplated with a pained expression, acknowledging that Phileo had earned his moniker as the Black Beast for valid reasons.

Phileo was on the verge of engaging in another round while Annelise rested upon his chest when their activities were unexpectedly thwarted by a knock at the door. Distraction caused Phileo to display slight annoyance, indicated momentarily by a vein popping out on his temple, as he recognized the familiar voice emanating from beyond said door.



Leonia let out a startled cry upon being noticed behind the entrance, cradling a drowsy Amadeus who embraced her.

Both individuals were dressed in their nighttime attire, eagerly anticipating the opening of the door.


Annelise swiftly arose upon hearing the distressing cry emanating from her daughter.

Annelise winced, feeling a sensation of discomfort permeating her back. Nevertheless, such physical distress was insignificant in light of the prevailing imperative to attend diligently to her children.

"Do not engage. It would be prudent to disregard their presence," advised Phileo, as he attempted to reach out and grasp his wife's waist; alas, it was futile for she impulsively leapt off the bed.

Phileo was astounded, rendered speechless by the absence of any physical touch within his grasp.

"Anne!" Phileo called out, casting his gaze towards his wife who had succumbed to a momentary weakness and descended onto the ground. After regaining composure, she returned to an upright position while carefully drying herself with a damp towel before donning her night gown.

Annelise hurried towards the door, encountering several stumbling episodes that slowed down her progress.

Phileo appeared somber as he rose from their bed.

Annelise proceeded to open the door and was met with the sight of her children gazing up at her.

Annelise inquired, "Leo, may I ask as to why you are here? Did something happen?" While maintaining her grip on the door frame for support.

𝙸 𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚍'𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚏𝚎!(𝙿𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚘 𝚡 𝙾𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now