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1st person pov

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             THE CAR PULLED UP and I waved dad goodbye, not before doing our super cool handshake that I made him learn when I was a kid. I hopped out and hauled my bag on, shutting the door and turning around to make my way towards the school where a few other teens were. A small blonde who wore a baseball cap and an arrange of rings on every finger sat on the brick wall near the door with an iPad on her lap.

I grinned and quickly jogged over, my footsteps making her look up and she waved. "My good ol' friend, Stacy. Whatcha up to, sugar?"

I let my bag fall on the ground and sat myself down right next to her, looking over her shoulder at the new drawing.

"Bout time you arrived." She twirled her pen smoothly, "Nya already left for class but out of the kindness of my heart I decided to wait for you." I pushed her cap down in a joking manner and sat back in my hands.

"I'm glad at least one of you cares about me." My head fell back and I let out a loud groan.

"I was up all night yesterday due to this stupid villain constantly robbing stores, he had this weird machine that kept freezing me." Rubbing my sore neck while she hummed and did a few strokes on the line art.

"Sounds tough but you're here and alive so now you can do your presentation for physics." She grinned and nudged me with her arm to which I nudged her back more aggressively.

"Screw physics. Why did I even bother with that subject."

"Umm, because we both agreed we'd become geniuses so incase your hero job doesn't work out and I fail at fast food, we can be billionaires together and somehow solve worlds problems. Also it's a required subject at this school." She rambled, a few strands from her bun coming out to frame her slim face.

I blinked a couple of times but just nodded and hauled my bag on my lap to bring out my computer in hopes to finish the slideshow I was supposed to do last night. Again, I was occupied so don't come for me.

Like any other teen, my laptop was covered in different stickers of shapes and sizes. Some colourful from shows I liked or stickers Nya had made from her business. Others were quite interesting ones made by Gwen when she got her hands on Nya's printer but they were sentimental too. My fingers grazed over the ones right next to the mouse pad, the most special ones I had.

They were gifted from my boyfriend and had both our initials with small details like stars and a guitar. Even if they were corny, I loved them and I would rather die than have to take them off.

The both of us sat there for around ten minutes until we heard the first bell and more people started showing up for the next line. "Come on then," Gwen closed her iPad case and stood up, stretching her arms and sighing when a few joints cracked. "Don't wanna be late. Did you finish?" Referring to my presentation.

I nodded and tapped a few keys then shut the laptop. "It's good enough. It's not worth a lot so I don't really care." I shrugged and put it in my bag, thankfully my suit was folded so it wasn't too much of a hassle to do without anyone seeing it.

"True. Kinda silly for her to assign a simple presentation. I mean, it's near the end of the semester." I shook my head in agreement as we made our way inside.

Luckily morning classes weren't popular so not many people were wandering the halls. We stopped at Gwen's locker first so she could get her textbook then went a few doors down to mine. Right as I clicked the lock back on the door, I sensed a group behind us and my once happy self turned grim once I realised who they were.

Particularly the girl in the centre.

"Sagey! I missed you!" A high pitched voice spoke and we tragically turned around to see a girl around my chin height with curly brown hair and light makeup on.

Gwen groaned under her breath and leaned back on the locker, crossing her arms while I tried to smile in greeting. "Andrea. I thought you didn't come to school on Thursday?" My voice was tight but I wouldn't show her that I wasn't actually glad to see her.

She was a nice girl and all but mildly annoying.

She pouted a bit, the glittery gloss on her lips reflected the light. "I always come on Thursday, Sagey. I switched classes to Physics so we could sit together!" She held her books tightly with a giggle and I made eye contact with Gwen who was holding in a laugh.

It was Andreas' way to suck up to me but unfortunately for her, the only person I suck up to is my boyfriend. In more ways than one if you know what I mean.

"Right...you do know it's advanced physics?" I questioned the girl. Her friends behind her murmured and nudged Andrea lightly as if to say 'hurry up'.

A small blush came on her cheeks and she nodded with a bit of hesitation but we knew she didn't actually check what the class was, just got her parents to switch it. The final bell rang and Gwen pulled my arm and I gave an unsure wave to Andrea before turning back around.

"Please don't tell me she actually switched." Gwen suddenly asked and stared at me with dread. I sighed but knew Andrea wouldn't come to school just to lie to us.

"She probably has. But knowing her, she's gonna switch out sooner than later. At the end of semester though?" Gwen shrugged and the pair of us slowly made our way to the theatre where we would be presenting. But all on my mind now was when the next time I could see my boyfriend.

We walked into class and sat up at the back, both Gwen and I chucking our bags at our feet and taking our seats. The professor stood at the front with the large screen projecting on the wall and the list with the order of our names. I put my phone on the side table making it light up and I smiled at seeing the wallpaper with me and my boyfriend at headquarters messing around with Miguel's tech.

Those are the fun times.

AN: I love decorating my books differently, I just can't stick to one specific design on chapters ^[]^

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