Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Settling in all over again.



'Washington United States of America'

'2004 December 21st, I've gone to the past

'Shit, It is a new world' Alistair had walked directly into the city of folks without making any stops he absorbed everything he saw till he finally saw a young girl with red hair and blue eyes who looked to be in her late teens; iPod strapped to her armbands connected to an earpiece directly in her ears, she wore joggers and she was a bit sweaty so the clothes hugged her figure very tightly.

Alistair interrupted her jog asking her questions.

The girl's blue eyes ogled at the teen in front of her, He was so handsome she wanted to call him beautiful, his muscles were hidden by his white robes so she couldn't see them, but with his long white hair added to his perfect face and unique different colours eyes light blue and Silver.

Of course, this wasn't his eye's original colour before he appeared in another world he had silver eyes since he didn't look in the mirror.

Anyways, he successfully got all the answers he needed from the girl who thought he was just looking for a conversation starter to talk to her so she answered his questions while giving secretly admiring his handsomeness, To her surprise after all her questions were answered he left without any further comments but a ' thank you '

Aimlessly wandering around town brought him to a park somewhere, here he saw kids playing around, parents gisting and watching over their kids, while he watched everything sitting alone on a bench.

'Hm, This isn't a bad place' Alistair felt this place was different from the blood shed, Internal wars between races, One of the reasons Alistair avoided the witches' coven, werewolf packs and the Mikaekson's coven was because he couldn't pick one side over the other and it weighed a heavy burden somewhere deep in his heart he felt he wasn't entitled to just one side, he was part of all the races except human; he felt if he picked just one side then he was abandoning the rest of him.

"Sir, can you please hand me back my ball?" Alistair was cut off from his inner rambling by a little boy who mistakenly kicked his ball towards him.

Alistair smiled at the boy picking up the ball and handing it to the boy "Sure, Here" the boy collected the ball "Thank you!" Then he left to play with his friends.

After a while of thinking he made a decision 'That was then, I no longer have to pick a side anymore, I no longer have to isolate myself, I can just be me and live like I always have... But what did I use to be before I turned into a tribid?' His speech fell down the drain as he remembered he doesn't have an identity anymore.

While the vampire sulked in the corner of his bench he was approached by a woman.

"It seems I came late someone already took my spot." The woman seemed to be in her mid-late twenties, She had Auburn hair that reached her shoulders and blue eyes, She wore a light red gown, to Alistair her hair colour and mannerism seemed to match the dull colours of the atmosphere.

"Hello," Alistair greeted with a sweet smile.

'Wow' The woman was instantly left speechless due to his smile but she shook her head trying to prevent negative scenario's from playing in her head.

"Can I sit down with you?" The woman asked as she smiled back at him.

"Yes, Why not? It's public property" Alistair was going to try something he has never tried before, not knowing he called himself public property; He was going to start a conversation.

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