bad grade

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y/n has always been a perfectionist, beating herself up whenever she gets a less than perfect grade or has a bad quidditch match. most people already knew this about her, but nobody realized the extent it controlled her life and thoughts.

professor lupin handed back the class's most recent essay. y/n had quidditch practice all week, and had to stay up past midnight last night to finish the assignment. it wasn't her best work, and she knew it. lupin set her paper on her desk. already she could see corrections in red ink covering the paper. at the top, in bold, lupin wrote 'y/n, see me after class'. her stomach dropped, and she dug her nails into her palms to stop herself from crying.

'you're so stupid why can't you be good at anything. you're supposed to be smart how could you fuck up like this' she thought to herself.

the rest of class passed in a blur as she wasn't able to focus on anything but the grade she got. when the bell rang y/n almost forgot that she's supposed to talk to lupin afterwards and she started walking to the door quickly, just wanting to break down in the bathroom alone.

"miss y/n! stay after for a second please!" lupin called over the chattering class. 'shit' hermione gave her a worried glance. y/n tried to tell her with her eyes to go ahead, and that she'll meet up with her later.

y/n turned around to stand by lupin's desk, anxiety rising.

he waited for the rest of the class to file out before saying something. y/n's heart pounded, and she felt shaky and a little bit dizzy.

lupin saw the panic in y/n's eyes and quickly said, "don't worry you're not in trouble, i just want to have a quick chat." rather than making her feel better, this increases the panic tenfold. quick chat? he definitely thinks i'm stupid, or that i'm lazy.

"what did you want to talk about, professor?" she tried to keep her voice even and calm, but a small waver made it's way through. lupin offered her an understanding smile, and gestured for her to take a seat.

"would you like some chocolate and tea?" lupin asked rather than answering her question. he seemed oddly pleasant and caring, looking at y/n with genuine concern in his eyes.

"no that's ok. thank you though professor." y/n answered looking at her feet instead of making eye contact.

"alright then" he said lightly. before she can respond he continued on. "y/n... i was wondering if there was anything bothering you? you've seemed awfully stressed and tired lately, and after that last assignment i've been wondering if i can do anything to help? normally you're an excellent student and if there's something causing you to not be able to do your best i'm here to listen."

'oh no, he thinks i'm falling behind and can't keep up'    y/n thought. she forced a smile to her faces and finally looks up to meet professor lupin's eyes.

"thank you for your concern professor but i promise i'm perfectly fine. just not getting enough sleep lately haha. i promise my next essay will be better," she said while moving to stand up. lupin tried to protest but y/n was already moving towards the door.

"i'll see you in class on monday, professor!" y/n practically shouted as she raced out the door.

'that was close'

hi guys!! if you like this story so far it would mean a lot to me if you commented and starred <3 more chapters are on the way

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