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tw ‼️ evil dumbledore, homophobia

y/n and remus sat in professor dumbledore's office, surrounded by all of its oddities and magical trinkets. it was time for a conversation. an important one.

"headmaster, i know it's unorthodox, but i do believe it's the best option for miss y/l/n," lupin said. dumbledore stroked his beard. for the life of her she couldn't tell what he was thinking; he had the perfect poker face.

"does miss y/n know about your... furry little problem?" he asked. the wording surprised her, and she had to stifle a giggle.

"yes, we've discussed it."

"and she is aware of the potential dangers you could pose to her?"

professor lupin's voice was level as he raised his chin defiantly. "is your only concern my lycanthropy?"

"no, no that's not the only thing." lupin's eyebrow shot up.

"what other factor might lead me to being an unsuitable guardian for y/n?" the tension was palpable.

"not to assume anything, but am i correct in my observation that you are a bit... ah what's the term the youth use nowadays? fruity?"

remus's face flushed, but other than that he showed no reaction. "excuse me?"

"you are free to live whatever lifestyle you please, but miss y/l/n deserves to be raised in a house with two parents, a man and a woman. i'm not sure you can provide that for her."

she was actually shaking with anger. who the fuck did this man think he was? lupin was the best parental figure she had ever had. she really could care less if he was into guys.

lupin paused thoughtfully. "a trial run, then. if my... personal preferences are affecting y/n's wellbeing, we can always reevaluate. however, she cannot stay where she was, so any change will be beneficial."

dumbledore's eyes flashed. "fine. i will communicate this decision with the ministry: but rest assured that we will be returning to this."


they both held their emotions until they were out of earshot of dumbledore's office. then they were whooping and hugging each other, elated.

"professor, i don't care if your gay," she said, serious all of a sudden. it felt important that he know that.

"you are more understanding than most, y/n. but as of now the majority of the wizarding community agrees that i should hide my deviant ways." he sounded impossibly sad, tired from years of shame. she tried to imagine what it must be like to be despised for loving someone. they were both silent for a few minutes.

"professor?" y/n asked


"does this mean i can call you dad now?"

the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. "yes, i suppose it does."

thank you so much for reading!! sorry this update took so long; school had been crazy and track meets are starting, so i haven't had much free time. love you all 🤎🫶🏻

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