Movie Night (fluff)

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I was incredibly bored and home alone. My entire mind was filled with scenarios that I made up to keep me from dying with boredom. Most of them were about Konig...

Konig is so amazing. He's the perfect man. He's sweet, kind, caring, loving, passionate, smart...

And he's tall. Really fucking tall.

A few weeks ago, we shared a rather intimate moment... We kissed. It's so obvious he wanted to do more than just that and I would've loved to, but we were interrupted by Ghost.

He's such a cock-blocker.

I lie down on the coach, my mind filled with so many things, as I close my eyes. Suddenly, I heard movement at the back of the room, behind me.

I sit up and whip my head around. "Who's there?" I say hesitantly. No one is supposed to be here... They're all on a mission.

There in the darkness is a tall figure standing rather awkwardly, looking down at me. It's Konig. "Konig? I thought all of you guys were heading out for a mission tonight." I say as he walks over to me. "Ya well, I just came back. Everyone else is still out. It was pointless for me to be there anyways." he says looking away and crossing his arms.

I hum to myself as I shrug my shoulders. "Okay. Well, since you're here and I'm bored as hell. Why don't we watch a movie together" I smile. He thinks to himself for a second. "Yes, that would be quite relaxing for me..." he says shyly, avoiding my gaze.

I stand up happily. "Well I'm gonna go make popcorn, want to help?" He nods his head.

“Okay, my love.” He says softly so I can barely hear him, as he follows me into the kitchen and watches me make the popcorn. He chuckles as he sees me enjoying myself and having a good time with him.

It's obvious I've been bored by myself.

His attention is fully on me as I make the popcorn, his gaze never looking away from me. It's as if he's admiring me while I'm making popcorn. That's so funny, but sweet.

When I finished making the popcorn, I walk over to the couch and place the bowl on the table in front of me. I put the TV on and wait for Konig. Where did he go? He then walks over to me. He's shirtless, wearing sweatpants with his signature mask.  I look up at him as he stands over me. I feel my face get hot. Oh man I hope he can't see how much I'm blushing right now.

I look over to the side of me, and notice how short this couch really is.

"I-if you want, you can lie on my stomach so there's enough space on the couch, since you're so damn tall." I say. Hopefully he says yes, because if not that was embarrassing as fuck.

“Hmm… alright …” He says softly thinking to himself, as he walks over to me and lays down on my stomach. His head rests on my abdomen, and his arms wrap around my waist. He smiles softly, as he looks up at me with an intense look.

“Yes… this is very comfortable…” He whispers, as his arms lightly squeeze my waist. I'm in complete shock right now, but I'm not complaining. I can feel his heart beat rather fast as his chest is on my thighs.

"So what do you, uhm... Want to watch?" I say nervously as I reach for the remote. I think he notices how nervous I am, so he chuckles quietly to himself. "I actually don't really want to watch anything right now... Being here with you this close is just enough to keep me  happy..."

I blush at his sweet words. "A-are you sure? If you don't want to watch a movie what else do you want to do?" Obviously I'm playing dumb.

"Yes I'm sure... I just want to... Be with you right now" he says gently. I look down at him,my heart practically racing. "Really?"

He nods, as he looks away. His voice is soft and tender, as he whispers to me.

“Yes…” He caresses my soft skin on my stomach as his fingers around my waist gently sinks into my skin. His eyes are filled with a loving yet passionate stare. He gazes at me with a genuine, lustful look, his eyes locked onto mine. I can't stop looking at them. A heavy breath leaves his mouth as he moves his face closer to mine, his hand never leaving my stomach and waist.

“Please... Ever since we kissed... I just can't resist you... I need to feel those lips again ” He whispers softly and seductively, his face now inches away from mine.

I gulp, as I take my hand and gently lift his mask up, his lips forming a gentle smile as I lean in closer to him. My lips hover over his as I whisper. "Same here.. " before I passionately kiss him, putting my arms around his neck.

A wave of lust and excitement runs through my body. I can feel his heartbeat quicken in his chest. He cups my face in his hands as his lips meet mine with a deep and passionate kiss. His lips are so warm and gentle against mine, as his chest presses against mine and his hands reach around to caress every inch of my body.

He whimpers every so slightly as I bite down his bottom lip, my hand caressing the back of his neck. I press myself into him, wanting even more contact while my tounge enters his mouth. He's surprised by my gesture, but does the same. He places one hand on my waist and the other on my lower back, and pulls me gently forward, as his lips break contact before slowly returning.

He softly whimpers, quietly but just loud enough for me to know he likes it. He gently tugs me forward, as his mouth presses against mine, his tongue playing with mine.

He moves one of his hands away from my stomach and places one on my boob, squeezing it lightly before reaching into my shirt and doing the same. His finger caresses my nipple and I moan softly at the sensation. It feels so weird... In a good way. He then takes his hand out of my shirt, and places it back on my waist. Continuing to kiss me, rougher now.

He pulls away suddenly, smiling at me, his hands still on my waist.

"W-what?" I say in confusion. He looks at me, admiring my features.

"Nothing... It's just that you're so pretty all the time, I love looking at you. We don't need to rush right now..." he says softly as he lays his chin on my chest, looking up at me. I run my hands over his head, smiling.

I don't even want to watch a movie anymore, I just want to lie like this with him.


I wanted to make this smut, but I'm too tired to be writing about dick right now 😭 hope you guys enjoyed this one tho.

Thank you guys for the support! I appreciate even one vote on any of my chapters. ❤️

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