The Summer Solstice Festival

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"..Phil? Who's this?" A woman's voice drifts over Tommy's head as he sleeps slumped against the wall. A half-finished carving with dragon wings and a wide-brimmed hat sits in one hand, and a dull carving knife sits in the other. Spread out on the floor around him are books opened up to pictures and descriptions of the goddess he was trying to carve; alongside lists of things people usually left her as offerings.

Above his head, a man chuckles. "Oh, just someone I've been keeping my eye on.."

The woman laughs and her voice turns teasing. "You're not being subtle, hun. I can see he has one of your flock in his room."

"Ahh, am I really that predictable?"

"You really are." The woman laughs again, and Tommy shifts in his sleep, trying to get more comfortable against the wall.

The man chuckles again. "Well, I haven't directly interacted with him yet..But the boys love him. Wilbur's made friends, and Techno gave him a dagger."

"Really?" Her gaze fell back onto the sleeping boy with something fond. "..Well in that case; when will I have the privilege of meeting him?"

"Soon, hopefully." The man hummed. "I'm just waiting for the right time. We wouldn't want to overwhelm him."

The woman hums in approval. "Well, do keep me in the loop so I can meet him too. I'll be keeping a very careful ear out for him now." She chuckled. "And I'll be sure to make time to visit the shrine he seems to be setting up. In the meantime..I don't think he should be sleeping on the floor."

The man hummed in agreement, a fond feeling in the air as he gazed upon the golden-haired boy. "No, he really shouldn't."

"See you soon, love."

The man presses a kiss to his Lady's hand. "See you soon, Kristin."

With a kiss pressed to the man's cheek and one last fond look at the sleeping boy, the Goddess leaves to continue her duties.

Meanwhile, a God with straw blonde hair falling around feathered ears appears in the room of the golden-haired boy. With wings tucked against his back as to not disrupt anything in the room, the God gets to work scooping up the books on the floor. He presses a feather into the pages to bookmark a picture of Lady Death, before silently filing the books away into the drawer of the nightstand.

A quiet squawk makes the God pause, and he turns to look at the window seat, spotting the member of his flock blinking up at him with her one eye. He smiled and reached over, scratching the top of her head before trailing his hand down her back and over her wings.

"There..That should help you out." He smiled. The bird cooed, then settled back down in her nest. Then he steps back over to the young boy, gently urging his hands to loosen up and removing the carving and the knife. He sets them on the nightstand as well, then approaches the boy again.

Tommy continues to sleep, unaware of the divine being quietly moving around his room.

As gently as he could, the God scoops him up, pausing for a moment when he shifts in his sleep. Then he crossed the room, and tucked the boy into bed, pulling the covers up over his shoulders. When he went to pull away, Tommy latched onto his sleeve, snoring quietly and causing him to chuckle quietly.

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