Author's Note

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Hello, everybody. First, I want to thank you all for your support and interest in Arcatraissa. It means a lot to me.

I started what became the final version of this book in July of 2014 and finished the first draft on June 6, 2015. But Arcatraissa began seven years ago, inspired by a little girl named Kassie. It's been a long, rough road from there to here, but I've loved every minute of it. In many ways I've grown up alongside Tae and Cassie, and this journey is one I'm very grateful to have gone through and I hope you all enjoy what's become of it.

The third draft of Arcatraissa was posted in full on here. I'm very thankful for what Wattpad and the community here has done to help me improve and promote it, including winning 2 fantasy-oriented awards, but as of March 21, 2018 the draft has been removed and replaced by a sample of the final version. This is because I'm pursuing publishing the novel. More information is to come, so watch out for it and I hope you all continue supporting me and my work. 

Thank you.

- Lacy

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