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Title:Adopted Father
Profession:Business man
Personality:Kind, but can be intimidating when needed. Incredibly smart.
Yandere Behavior:Obsessive. Would never physically harm you, but is willing to manipulate and gas light.

Title:Adopted Mother
Personality:reserved. Motherly, and is very loving towards her family.
Yandere Behavior:Sweet. Very possessive, will rarely let any non-family around you. Doesn't physically harm you unless deemed as a last resort.

Title:Adopted Big Brother
Personality:extremely hostile to almost everyone. Kills and steal for a living, only out of jail due to family. Is harsh and unaffectionate to most of his family.
Yandere Behavior:Extremely soft with you. Would never punish, nor allow punishment to happen to you. Would kill anyone who even looks at you wrong, including family.

Title:Adopted Big Brother
Personality:Nice and happy going. Teachers love him, very popular.
Yandere Behavior:Sadistic af. Wouldnt harm you physically, because he isn't allowed to. Loves to see you cry, and will use any emotional damage he can to see you break. If left alone without rules, would be willing to torture.

Title:Adopted Big Sister
Profession:Bank Teller
Personality:Very shy, but is willing to speak their mind on important issues. Very open to family.
Yandere Behavior:Reserved. Would rather stalk and protect you without you noticing. Would probably just continue to stalk and protect you if you left.

Title:Adopted Younger Sister
Personality:Stereotype of those party girls in movies. Considered a mean girl and bully by classmates. Very spoiled.
Yandere Behavior:Savior complex. Believes you should be worshipping her and the family for saving you. Loves you regardless, and is probably the most lenient. Honestly more obsessed with you than anyone else, but probably the only one willing to let you thrive out of the family. Won't let any harm come to you.

Title:Pet Dog
Personality:Lazy and always hungry
Yandere Behavior:Not a yandere.

Personality:introverted, but Loves to rant. Has little quirks, like hyperfixations, anxiety issues, and has to be in constant motion. Doesn't like certain textures and says things they didn't mean. Takes things very literal. Can't look people in eyes for very long. While smart, they don't have what most people would consider common sense. Book smart, not street smart. Very good memory when it comes to important things and hyper fixation.
Yandere Behavior:Not a yandere.

Yandere Behavior:You shouldn't be with them. You should be with me.

Platonic Yandere Adopted Family x Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now