~bellies smooth moves~

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Bau GC

P.G 🥳✨
Has any1 heard from the boss man yet???
He's not in the office

Morgan 💪💪
Probably out with jack or smth
He's been wanting to go to this smoothie place for months

Yes. I heard him talking about that. It's called Bellies Smooth Moves.

That seems like a weird ass name
Who picked it

I assume it was Bellie
Which means their name must be Ellie or Elenor and it's just a nickname that people have called them since they were young.

Morgan 💪💪
Can we focus on what's happened rn
Ellie can wait

JJ ❤️❤️
Idk Morgan
Ellie is pretty important to me
That place is magnificent

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
I agree
It certainly adds some
To date night

Rossi 🍝
Let's leave your twos date night life for another day

Cass Cass

Morgan 💪💪
Hello to you too

Cass Cass

P.G 🥳✨

Cass Cass

JJ ❤️❤️
Hotch is there?
What's with the spelling mistakes

Cass Cass
I'm trying something

Trying what?


Cassie stood by her window, phone in hand as she had a leg out of the glass. Hotch stopped a few metres in front of her, surveying the scene as he would on a normal case.

"Wait right there man. I am not dying in my apartment."

He frowned, more so than what was already on his face.

"I'm not here to kill you Cassandra. I'm here to talk to you as a profiler, not someone on a group chat."

She hummed and rolled her eyes.

"Likely story. How many people have you killed and gotten away with it? It's so easy for you. You just have to make a profile for a killer and kill the people that the non existent person would. You make me sick."

Hotchner sighed, taking a few steps back so she wouldn't be tempted to jump out.

His phone was buzzing like crazy, and he could see the notifications popping up on hers.

"Cassandra. I know this entire thing is making you stressed. I also know that you are training to become an FBI agent. So think about your next moves carefully."

The brunette raised a brow, mocking him.

"Is that a threat, Mr Hotch? Not exactly becoming of you."

He could see her slowly inching further and further out of the window.

"No. I'm simply saying you should use you training to realise that I am not the person you should be scared of."

She smiled, "oh I know."

Hotch's expression dropped, confused by her actions. It was only when he watched her push herself out of the window that he moved.

He reached the glass, relieved when he didn't see a collapsed body on the floor, instead a girl running down the stairs to the fire escape.

"See you later, boss man. My mum's gonna express her love for me again today, so we'll continue this tomorrow?"

"Cassandra! You're in danger."

She looked up for a moment, a brief fearful expression coming on her features before it was replaced by a fake grin.

"Yeah. But so are you."

The girl then turned to her phone, clicking on private DMS.


Cass Cass
Check the bottom drawer on my desk


This story is taking a turn
When I write a chapter I don't actually know how I'm going to explain it in the next one so it normally ends up with more confusion.

I absolutely love each and every one of you
If you have any ideas on what could happen next chapter or just in general, please let me know. I really need the help lmao.
Thank you again!!!

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