An author's note to end all Author's Notez

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OH MY GOSH!! *runs around waving arms and screaming at the top of my lungs* DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HYPED I AM FOR THIS BOOK! *grabs your shoulders and shakes you* DO YOU?!

*stops shaking you and softly straights your shirt* Sorry about that. My excitement got away from me.

I know, you might think 'Joy, isn't it uncool to show this much excitement about a story you wrote? Where is your chill?'

GUESS WHAT!! I HAVE NO CHILL! ZERO CHILL! I am on fire because there's not an ounce of chill in me!! And guess what! I DO NOT CARE! Because I am out of my mind excited to share this book with you!!

The reason I am totally fine letting go of my calm, mysterious air that I always exude (pause of bursts of uncontrollable laughter) is that this isn't my book but it's my favorite book!

You may or may not be aware but I'm posting this book in tandem with the Nothing Super sequel: Everything's Super. The updates are alternating each week. This way I have more space to write the sequel, which sequels are known to kill. So this is so I don't murder myself.

(So make sure to add this book to your library so you don't miss the notification)

This book is JoymomentsSISTER's (that's Gracie Face) book and she, being the awesome sister that she is, gave me the permission to share it with you! WHICH I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT!! This means I get to fangirl hard in the author's notes!!

If you like A Secret Service I'm telling you right now this book is gonna be something you totally get into!

You might think I'm putting on my enthusiasm to get you hyped for a book I didn't write so that I secure your reads. Well you're wrong because I couldn't give two flying bats whether you read or not, I freaking love this book! I want everyone to read it because it's just SO GOOD! AHHHH!! You have no idea!

Okay, I'm done.

HA!! Never! I'll be losing my ish in the author's notes for the entirety of the book! I hope you join me but it's okay if you don't. You'll just be missing out. So sucks to be you then!

HAHA!! I literally am so excited that I look like an idiot writing this because I'm smiling so much!

Anyways! I'm going to stop typing so we get can to reading!! See you in the comments!!

As always if you see grammar errors let me know with a correction and smiley face, I'll ignore you and internalize the criticism. Just kidding! It's really helpful!

 Just kidding! It's really helpful!

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