Chapter Two

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I walked down the hall, my thoughts swirling with Lord Corlys' warning. I couldn't believe that Viserys would just... ignore him like that.

Otto Hightower ignoring him, I could see that. He only ever did what was best for the realm... only it never crossed his mind that the common folk were actually part of that realm too.

"Princess Maeka." I turned at the sound of Ser Harrold's voice, seeing the knight approaching me from the bottom of the grand stairs.

I walked down to meet him in the middle, confused. He looked more serious than usual. "What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"Prince Daemon. He's in the castle.." Ser Harrold said, his voice grim.

"Show me." I said firmly, and he nodded, turning and leading me down the stairs. He lead me to the throne room, where the tall doors were closed.

"When did he arrive?" I asked.

"He came through the Red Keep's gates at first light." Ser Harrold replied. He must've snuck back out using the passage ways to meet me for our walk.

"Does the King know he's here?" I asked before he opened the doors.

"No." He replied.

"Good." He opened the doors, and I stared down the long, large hall, seeing Daemon seated upon the Iron Throne.

"Gods be good!" Ser Harrold exclaimed in shock. To sit on the throne when you're not King is treason, but Daemon didn't really care about consequences, since he'd never actually felt their sting.

"It's alright, Ser." I said softly, meeting the older man's blue eyes and nodding.

"I'll be outside." He grumbled, before he closed the door, leaving it open slightly and standing right outside.

I walked down the steps, passing the column and heading directly for the Iron Throne. It was a seat made up of melted weapons of our fallen enemies, created by dragon fire when Aegon the Conqueror took Westeros. It sat on a raised stage, surrounded by swords melted into the stone, the sharp ends up in the air.

"What do you think you are doing, Uncle?" I questioned calmly in High Valyrian as I continued my path towards him.

"Sitting. This could well be my chair one day." Daemon replied as he slouched back into the throne.

"Not if you're executed for treason." I quipped, my hands clasped behind my back. "You haven't come to court in an age." I pointed out.

"Aye. Court is so dreadfully boring." He said as I came to a stop at the foot of the steps.

"Then why come back at all?" I challenged.

"I heard my brother was hosting a tournament in my honor." Daemon replied, and I rolled my eyes. Of course my Uncle would struggle to keep his name from the lists.

"The tournament is for his heir." I stated.

"Just as I said." Daemon said, leaning forward.

"His new heir." I retorted.

He let out a 'tsk' and stood, walking down the steps towards me. "Until your mother brings forth a son... you are all cursed with me."

"Then I shall hope for a brother." I sassed, and he came to a stop right in front of me, smiling.

"I brought you something." He said, holding his hand out. Dangling from his fingers was a small necklace. I reached up my hands, my fingers steading the swinging jewelry as I investigated it. It was cold to the touch, and a dark steel gray. "Do you know what it is?" Daemon asked me.

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