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Now playing- 🆆︎🅰︎🆂︎🅷︎🅸︎🅽︎🅶︎ 🅼︎🅰︎🅲︎🅷︎🅸︎🅽︎🅴︎ 🅷︎🅴︎🅰︎🆁︎🆃︎
♫︎𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒂𝒎♫︎
*Lloyd Pov*

Chen took us all into a ziplin. For our next challenge. We still haven't figured out who the spy is, ever since then Y/n has been pretty distant lately. But she can't be the spy, we saw her back and plus we can trust her, she helped us before.

"What are you looking at zippy?" Snapped Jay to Griffin

"The next one out of the tournament." Griffin Snapped back

"Why so scared to show us your back, shadow?" Asked Kai "Worried we're gonna find a tattoo, and know you're working for Chen?"

"I hope this next fighters is between you and me" Snapped Shadow "Because I'm gonna put you on your back."

*Mr Pale whistles to Y/n*

"Do you mind!?" Snapped Y/n at him while crossing her arms looking away.

After Mr Pale whistled I felt ready to punch him but why would I think that? Maybe I.... No lloyd this is about Zane not have a crush

"Tensions are high. " Said dad

"Yeah, not as high as we are now." I said
"Can hardly see the island from up here."

"I've had enough of this" Started Neuro "I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?"

Neuro them opened the door the the pilot to find no one there. Then Chen appeared on a screen.

"How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh oh I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem.

(I know in the show it says eight but just pretend that Y'all shoved Mr Pale outside for whistling at Y'all that'll teach him, so Mr Pale is gone now)

"Hello, final eight. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence, so one of you cam will my staff of elements. Instead of fighting for a jade blade, today you will be fighting for something different."

Chen then showed Nya on the screen.

"Nya!" Gasped Kai

"You know her?" Asked Skylor

"She's my sister"

"We have an uninvited guest on the island."

"And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen." Whispered Kai

"Find her and you will automatically move on-"

"Then he takes our powers-"

"--to the final round."

"He wants us all to hunt her down? She won't stand a chance!" Expressed Jay

"Then we have to find her before anyone else does." I said while putting my hood up

"In 10 seconds the bottom will drop, but to show you that im not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes.

We than all ran to get a parachute. Not me realising that there was only eight. None for dad

*Y/n Pov*

I ran fast to grab a parachute as the ziplin floor was opening. I grabbed it put it on and fell slowly down to the ground. The bad thing is.... i dont know how to work a parachute. While i was in the air i looked up for lloyd. His father doesnt have a parachute. I really hate Chen.

"Y/N!" A voice called out my name

It was lloyd. Although he wasnt in a parachute, he was on a green dragon!


"Give me your hand"

"lloyd i'll be fine" I finally got the parachute to work

"It'll be safer"

"Lloyd ill be fine"

Lloyd held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and threw the parachute off.

"See? You're safe"

Lloyd looked into my e/c eyes while i looked into his bright green eyes. It made me feel safe. I guess trust is a real thing in him. I smiled which he returned i just dont know who we're even chasing. Lloyd landed his dragon and helped me down. When i got off the dragon i immediately hugged him. I owe him so much.

"Thank you lloyd' I Whispered

"You're welcome Y/n" He whispered back

When senesi garmadon got down. I noticed that i was still hugging him, i didnt want to let go he made me feel safe while his hands were on my back. We then let go of eachother and sent a soft smile.

We started walking, while me, im still confused on who we're chasing.

"Lloyd who are we chasing?" I asked

"Kai's sister Nya"

"How did she get on the island?"

"I don't know"

Lloyd and his father we're talking so i let them have their own moment. Im pretty sure lloyd is confused why i haven't been going out to the balcony. Well i used a crystal to check up on my father, only to find him getting killed by thugs. I lied to lloyd that i was lightheaded and to myself after me tox's fight i found out, just didn't say anything to anybody.

Later on we found a samurai X symbol lloyd and senesi garmadon said that this is Nya's symbol. Later on we found a girl with short black hair. So this is Nya im guessing

"NYA!" lloyd ran up to her

"They took Jay. They took everyone!"

"Slow down Nya."

"Lloyd you're the only one left!'

*Lloyd Pov*

"How can i be the only one left Y/n is with-

i cut myself off noticing that Y/n wasn't behind us. Chen took her!

"You're the only one who can stop it."

"Stop what?'

"A transformation spell. It cant be"

"Transformation? Transform into what?"

*Y/n Pov*

Right after lloyd ran up to nya i was hit in the head. I woke up in a cage, to see all the other elemental masters. Kai was then thrown into the cage. I looked behind chen to see Skyler behind him. She's she's the spy!? But how? Master of form of course but no no no.

"Don't worry lloyd will come for us" Said Jay to Kai

"Im planning on it" Said Chen

I gave Skyler a hurt look. She was my bestfriend how could she betray me. She's chen's daughter though, she would never do this. Would She? Would She?

That now concludes chapter 8. I've just hit over 300 reads and im so grateful for all of you amazing people. Anyway stay ✨️ shining ✨️

-Fally Fell

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