Love and Freedom Once Again

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───── ❝ Chapter Twenty-Four ❞ ─────

Once the two Seymour brothers had left to grieve privately, Adieya called for the embalmer and his assistants to dress Jane's body for her funeral. They bathed her and dressed her in a white dress that had precise symbols sown into it in black and green string. Finally, Jane's body was wrapped with a thin belt around her ribs following Russian superstitions about the soul. Then the body was placed in a coffin filled with blankets and pillows and transported to a cathedral where the people of Russia could mourn Jane's death.

While many did not know her, an announcement was given to the towns. It stated that Jane, someone who was completely innocent to the Children of the Red Dawn, had been marked and killed by the cult. It sparked widespread outcry and hatred toward the Children of the Red Dawn. For those who could make the trip to the cathedral traveled to grief for the innocent life lost.

By tradition, Jane's casket lay open for three days to visitors and well-wishers. On the third day, a small celebration of life was held between those in the castle who knew her. Henry begrudgingly went only at the constant request from Adieya. In truth, he didn't want to see his former wife, however, he decided it would be best to pay his respects to a woman who died before her time had come. During the celebration, the two brothers laughed and cried as they shared stories of Jane with the small group.

On the fourth day, the funeral for Jane was held. At midday, the whole of court entered the cathedral and started the traditions. It began with those gathered, walking in a counter-clockwise circle leaving flowers on the sides of the body inside the coffin and on the floor around it. The circle continued with the mourners kissing Jane's body before stepping away to sit in the pews. Once the service concluded, the casket was closed and a burial shroud was put over the coffin. Once everyone left the coffin was moved to a vault to wait for Thomas's departure from Russia.

Then on the ninth day after her death, a second celebration was held but was kept the same as the first celebration. That night Thomas penned a letter home, telling his father of Jane's death and how she died. He also stated that after the fortieth day, he would return home with Jane's body to give her an English funeral and burial. While Thomas did not want to wait till the fortieth day, he knew Jane would have wanted to have the full experience of Russian tradition.

On the night before the final celebration of life, Thomas received a letter from his father. Filled with grief his father wrote of his acceptance of Jane's death and had planned a funeral at home for her. But what surprised Thomas the most was the last few lines of his father's letter. His father had secured him a marriage with a daughter Scottish Earl. Aurla Lyons, daughter of the Earl of Mar, and that they would be introduced to each other after the funeral.

The month had been filled with sadness but great challenges lie ahead in the murky waters of fate.

Forty days had passed since Jane had died and in Russian tradition, her soul had left the Earth for good. A large celebration of life with the whole of the court was planned. Music, food, and dance, all to commemorate the short life of Jane Seymour. The next morning Jane's casket was placed on a ship bound for England. With a final prayer and word with his brother Thomas boarded, and only a few minutes later the ship left the dock.

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In another lavish room not far from Adieya's chambers, were Mary's own chambers. Although here in Russia she was known to the public and court as Liliya Romanov heir to the Russian throne. A completely different persona than the person known as Mary Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII. After signing a final letter for the Russian Ambassador to Spain to take to her cousin Mary sighed and put down her ink quill. There was a knock at her door causing her to jump slightly and turn toward the door. A moment later the guards opened the doors to let in Edward Seymour. Edward as soon as the doors of Mary's audience chamber's were closed, bowed lowly. Mary stood from her chair and walked over to him, once she was close enough Edward grabbed her hand and kissed it as he stood.

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