Punishment - Chapter 10

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After class ended I went to Master and he told me to walk to his car and wait for him there and so I did.

While walking I was thinking about just how screwed I am and fuck am I screwed. As

Screwed as I am tho, I'm kind of excited. Am I a masochist for that? Maybe.

I reached the car and waited in front of it and after a while I see Master walking up to the car.

"Get in" He said when he reached the car.

I opened the door and get in feeling nervous for what's about to happen.

"Oh kitten, you are in such big trouble, and I can't wait to punish you." He said the last part said with a smirk on his face.

When he said that, all I could do was just laugh nervously and look out the window. Not wanting to face my consequences.

Soon we reach his house and I was amazed at how nice it looks. It wasn't huge like a mansion but it was big enough to hold a family. I went in and damn was the interior nice. It had mainly black furniture with white walls which really worked together nicely.

As I was looking around in awe of the place Master tapped me bringing me out of my little trance.

"C'mon Kitten it's time to begin your first punishment." He said walking ahead of me expecting me to follow. Except I didn't.

When he said that my face became pale and the reality of it all finally sunk in. I am not going to be able to sit tomorrow or the day after, and so on.

"Kitten if you don't start walking in the next three seconds, I'll use my whip on you." He said to me with a stern tone.

After what he said I started walking with him cause, who the hell wants to be whipped. Not me that's for sure.

We arrived at his room and once I was in, he locked the doors and turned to face me with a primal look in his eyes, like he wants to devour me.

David POV

After closing the door to my room, I turned back to see her looking all scared for what's about to come, and that flipped a switch in me. I was about to bring her to my playroom, but because this was her first punishment I decided not to and wait for a different time to show her because I don't wanna scare her too much.

"Kneel" I said with an authoritative tone.

She instantly drops to her knees, with her head looking down, and her hands on her knees, palms open.

"Good girl baby. You look so beautiful right now." I told her while admiring her obedience toward me.

"Tell me, baby, what have you done to deserve your punishment?" I asked her.

"I was rude to you, I swore at you, I disobeyed you, and I teased you. Sorry, Master." She said looking remorseful.

"That's right. Now Lex tell me, what made you think it was ok to do all of that to me." I asked her with a stern tone.

She stayed quiet, with fear written all over her face. Usually, I would ask her to answer but I'm too excited for the punishment, so I'll let it slide this time.

"Lex, For your misbehavior today I will be giving you 20 spanks with my hand and 5 with the belt. You don't need to count this time but next time I expect you to count, ok? " I told her.

I wanted to edge her too, for teasing me but it's her first punishment with me so, I'll do that next time.

"Lex when I ask you a question, I expect you to answer." I said sternly when I didn't hear her answer me.

"Yes, Master. Sorry Master" She said shakily.

"Good girl." I said while walking to the bed and sitting down.

"Come here and ask me for your spanking Lex."


I'm terrified right now by Master, he looks so scary, but his aura and dominance right now is so hot, it's turning me on.

I walk up to him and when he could reach me he grabbed my arm and pulled me so that I was in between his legs. Even when I'm taller than him right now, I still feel so small in front of him and I don't know why but I love that feeling.

"Mastercanyoupleasegivemeaspanking" I said quickly to him cause I'm embarrassed.

"I can't understand it kitten. Say it slower." He said while shaking his head in disapproval.

"M-Ma-Master can you please give me a spanking." I said to him while my face blushes like a tomato.

"Yes, I certainly can my kitten, anything for you." He said happily while laying me over his lap.

"I'm gonna start." He said and I grabbed onto his pants waiting for the impact.


Once i heard the sound, I suddenly felt a stinging sensation on my ass and DAMN does it hurt so bad.


He said between spanks while giving me a lecture. By the 10th spank, my ass was already burning and it hurt so bad, I can bet that his handprint is already on my ass.


By the 15th I was already full-on sobbing. It hurts so much that I'm clinging onto his pants like my life depends on it.

"5 more baby. You got this" He said while rubbing my bottom soothing a bit of the pain.


"Good job baby, 5 more with the belt and your all done. You're doing such an amazing job for me" He said and his praise makes me want to continue and be a good girl for him. I love his praise. 


He did the last 5 very fast but also very hard. It hurts so bad.

"It's all done baby. You did such a good job for me. I'm so proud of you." He said to me while putting his belt down.

I put my arms to rub my ass when he grabbed it and pinned it behind my back while saying sternly "Never rub your ass after a punishment unless you ask me for permission."

"Yes Master." I said and he let go of my arms.

"Good, now let me put on some lotion so it doesn't hurt too bad." He said reaching behind to grab the lotion which I didn't even notice was there.

He put some on his hands and rubbed it all over my ass. It felt cooling and soothing although it kinda hurts cause my ass is still sore.

After he finished I yawn and felt really sleepy. I guess all that crying was really tiring.

"Aww is my kitten tired?" He asked me and I nodded at him.

"Ok let's get you in one of my shirts and get you to bed." He said carrying me to his closet and changing me out of my clothes to just his shirt.

His shirt was so big on me that it reached all the way to my mid-thighs but it felt and smelt so good. It smelt like him which for some reason makes me feel calm and relaxed.

After we both changed, he carried me back to the bed and position me so that I was laying on my stomach, and he was laying beside me.

Once I felt the bed I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep. 

AN: FINALLY this chapter was done. Ik so many of u were waiting for it so here u go. This chapter is also longer than usual so I hope you enjoyed!!

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