Charcters Of Tales Of Azroth Book 1

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Characters In Azroth Story

Tales of Azroth Book 1

World of Vespo home to many known Races like especially the Elves, and Dragonkin. In Vespo the gods were known for their powers of creation and destruction, while some being evil some were pure and kind hearted like Leo the Lion God and others. The God Jizumi which means the new and grand creator of ctions, as he popped up after the older gods he is the fifth God to have popped.

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Azroth El Kumbre

The King Azroth his true name Azroth El Kumbre the second, Who Is a Vampire who searched the World for elemental crystals to gain access to the grand cathedral to embed them within his mind.
With this he could harness all the powers of the elements with his thoughts which transformed him into an elemental vampire who Lives and breathe elemental essence and because he extracted them within his mind he could just only think about an element and he could use it at whim.
The powers granted on to him was enough to keep him going, as he had one goal and that was to become the source of true power an entity capable of rivalling the gods themselves. But he had one problem and that was to see his true love again who was a mortal woman named Ariel who he fell in love with, she was the thing he had that made him even wanting to become back human but first he had to see the world different than a place filled with racism and blood suckers.
One night he had a dream and in the dream he was inside a cave and he saw a Dark being standing in front of him, as he walked closer the shadow got clearer and clearer. As he approach the being it's eyes red.and blood shot within the eye especially where the eye iris, No one knew of a creature like this its horns was a count of nineteen.
The air got cold as he knew no one could stand the cold much less to see this creature, as it growls it started to sniff my odour as if he knew of me coming to the cave before I even made it here.
The beast then said "Fallen one are you the one who is to come to show the living realm and the afterlife true power or is it that you seek for more than that as to be the true ruler or is it....... that you want something else" after the beast said those words he knew in his heart that the beast had enough power to be considered God among gods as it's terrifying face and hideous form he knew he had to speak in a way it would like as one wrong word could end your whole life.
Azroth then said" I am going to be the one who rules all and not just that I want to be even stronger than you!... I'll extract your energy and make it become part of me!" after saying that the beast laugh and said" You wish for that then I see..... very well I'll see you Another time my dear fallen Vampire, i must say you sure are different than what the Gods mentioned of you in the legends....He who seeks for darkness become the Darkness that transform to light, after saying that it disappear into nothingness.
A Colder wind started to blow then he woke up and saw one of its horns in his hand , he knew this meant something even more drastic than what he thought but he knew the dream meant something for his future as holding the horn meant proof that he was real that creature of the dark with nineteen horns but to have one of them in his hands to remember him by was enough to keep him going and to look to the future what this beast meant and what he was to become this Darkness transform to light.
Azroth then said "I'm going to unseal the Fire Lord, Ice Lord And Lord of Light to help him achieve his ultimate goal.

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