Weird People

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After that weird conversation, I retreated back to our room, desperately seeking Amelia's familiar presence. As I made my way through the corridors, my footsteps echoing softly, I encountered the old woman once again.

"Hey, have you seen Amelia anywhere?" I inquired, hoping for a moment of solace and understanding from my friend.

The old woman paused, her eyes crinkling with a knowing smile. "Oh, she's out with the youth, engaging in a yoga session," she replied casually as if it were a common occurrence.

Grateful for the information, I thanked her and hurriedly made my way toward the barn where the yoga session was taking place. As I entered, the scene unfolded before me—an assortment of individuals, both young and old, gracefully contorting their bodies in synchronized movements.

Amelia stood among them, her body fluidly transitioning from one pose to another. I approached her, catching her attention. Relief flooded over me as our eyes met, and I knew that she, too, must have sensed the undercurrent of unease that permeated the air.

"Y/N, you made it," she greeted me warmly, momentarily pausing her stretches. "What's been going on?"

With a sigh, I shared my encounter with Dean and the unsettling nature of our conversation. Amelia's brow furrowed, mirroring the concern etched on my face.

"Wow, why did he ask so many intrusive questions?"

"I dont know I was half expecting him to start asking for my credit card information"

"Try taking your mind off of it, in the garden there holding painting lessons."

With a deep breath, I followed Amelia's guidance, making my way to the garden. The soft murmur of voices and the gentle rustle of leaves greeted me as I arrived at the open-air art session. A group of people sat on wooden benches, each of them engrossed in their creative pursuits.

The instructor, a serene-looking woman, smiled warmly as she noticed me. "Hello there, would you like to join us?" she asked.

Feeling a spark of hope in this artistic sanctuary, I nodded and settled onto an empty bench. As I dipped the brush into the vibrant colors and let my imagination take over, I found a brief respite from the lingering doubts and unease.

I should have known this place was too good

Still better than my parent's house

As I continued painting, an unsettling sensation crept over me. It felt as if a pair of eyes were fixed on me, observing my every brushstroke. I tried to brush off the unease, attributing it to my own jitters in this unfamiliar environment. The instructor, a young man who could easily pass for a fellow student, addressed the class, offering an opportunity for questions and individual guidance. Maybe Amelia was right, I needed to get out more.

"Ah, new commer, do you have any questions?"

This is my chance

Raising my hand tentatively, I caught the instructor's attention. "Um, excuse me. I do have a question," I spoke up, my voice betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Is it possible to stay back after the class for some additional guidance?"

His gaze lingered on me for a moment before a warm smile crossed his face. "Of course," he replied, his tone encouraging. "I'd be more than happy to provide some extra assistance. Stay behind when the class wraps up, and we'll have a chance to chat."

I nodded and continued painting until it was over. He walked over to me

"How was the first day here?"

"Oh its been great, how long have you been here?"

"Several years," Matt replied, seemingly unaffected by the strange looks from passersby. However, my attention was quickly drawn to Dean's sudden appearance, causing a startle within me.

How long had he been standing there, silently observing our conversation?

"Oh, I see you've met Matt," Dean interjected, his voice carrying a hint of surprise. The instructor seemed taken aback by Dean's unexpected arrival, his composure faltering for a moment.

Caught off guard by the interaction, I tried to ease the tension with a simple explanation. "Yeah, I was just asking how long he's been here," I replied, my voice tinged with awkwardness. As I glanced between Dean and Matt, there was an unmistakable shift in Dean's expression. It was as if he was reprimanding Matt with just a single look, a mix of disappointment and sternness.

A wave of confusion washed over me. Was there some unspoken rule against engaging too deeply with the instructors here?

"Oh, well Y/N that'll just have to be put on hold for now, he has other classes to teach," Dean says, while turning his head towards me and smiling. I nod and walk away, trying not to feel his eyes burning holes into my back.

I wonder what Amelia has been doing.

Returning to our room, I found Amelia pacing anxiously, her phone gripped tightly in her hands. Concern washed over me as I witnessed her restlessness.

"Girl, have you finally lost your mind?" I couldn't help but blurt out, my worry seeping into my words.

She glanced up at me, her expression a mix of frustration and desperation. "No, it's just... this place doesn't have Wi-Fi," she confessed, a hint of desperation evident in her voice.

A sigh escaped my lips as I realized the root of her agitation. "Amelia, this place is meant for us to unplug and disconnect from the internet," I reminded her, hoping to alleviate her concerns. "Remember why we came here—to relax and find some peace."

Her lips formed a protest, but I cut her off before she could voice it. "No 'buts.' Just breathe, unwind, and let go. And if I hear you mention that guy one more time, I might just lose it," I warned, my tone laced with a mix of exasperation and genuine care.

I decided I had enough for today and take a shower, what is the point of being with someone if you're just going to complain and hate every moment?

I gathered my clothes and towel, making my way to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I turned on the shower, the sound of cascading water filling the room. As I stood there, the steam beginning to envelop the space, my mind started to wander.

Maybe I shouldn't have blocked my parents. What if something important happened and they need to reach me? Doubt gnawed at the back of my mind, tugging at my conscience. I wondered if I made the right decision by disconnecting from them during this retreat.

Lost in my thoughts, I allowed the warm water to wash over me, hoping it would wash away my concerns as well. But just as I started to sink deeper into my contemplation, a distinct knock on the door snapped me back to reality.

Startled, I quickly turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. My heart raced as I approached the door, cautiously asking, "Who is it?"

A muffled voice responded from the other side, "It's Dean. May I come in?"

Confusion mingled with a tinge of apprehension as I considered his request. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what he wanted. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me, and I cautiously unlocked the door, allowing him to enter.

Dean stepped inside, his presence commanding the room. His piercing gaze locked onto mine, and I couldn't help but feel a slight shiver run down my spine. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, his tone laced with a hint of intrigue.

I tightened the grip on my towel, suddenly feeling exposed under his intense scrutiny. "No, not at all," I replied, trying to maintain a composed demeanor despite the sudden unease creeping over me.

He took a step closer, his presence now looming over me. "I wanted to check on you, Y/N," he stated, his voice smooth yet tinged with an undertone I couldn't quite decipher. "How are you settling in?"

My mind raced, trying to process his sudden interest in my well-being. "I'm... adjusting, I suppose," I responded cautiously, unsure of where this conversation was headed. "The retreat is certainly... unique."

A faint smile curved on his lips, his eyes never leaving mine. "I'm glad to hear that, Y/N. I have high hopes for your experience here." His words hung in the air, leaving me with a sense of both intrigue and unease.

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