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" Do you smell something funny? " Changbin questioned from his position on the couch as he lowered the TV volume to let the others hear him.

" It's smells like something burning. " Minho nonchalantly answered as he tried a different filter on his phone and clicked a yet another weird picture. Good for him to have a face sculpted by God himself because even with the laughingly long beared and his white washed face, he still looked like a masterpiece.

Chan, who was on the brink of falling asleep on the other couch in the same living room with the other two oldest members, jolted up in alertness and sprang towards the kitchen where his favourite Australian brother was last seen in.

" Lee Felix for god's sake I told you to stay away from butter! " Chan exclaimed as he eyed the burnt butter and the newly bought pan now colored as black as his tshirt.

" And Seungmin I thought atleast you were the sane one! " He scolded the boy who was gobbling the last of strawberry from the container. " And is that hyunjin's strawberries? "

" Well first of all, I was only assisting him so it's not my fault and second of all yes but he doesn't need to know who ate his strawberries. "

" What am I not supposed to know? " Bangchan froze as he heard the familiar voice from behind and even seungmin gluped the strawberry and coughing afterwards as he forgot to bite it properly.
" And why does seungmin look so scared? "

Felix who was hastily scrubbing the pan glanced at the empty container in the second youngest's hand and towards the tall blonde boy before letting out an evil chuckle. " Oh he just ate your last container of strawberries but I'm sure you won't kill him for eating your favourite fruit without asking and not even leaving a single strawberry for you. "

Hyunjin's eyes narrowed at the empty container and then at the boy holding it.

" Way to throw me under the bus Felix. " Seungmin side eyed the blonde Australian who only stuck his tongue out as a revenge for putting all the blame on him earlier.

Hyunjin walked into the kitchen with slow predatory steps while Chan started backing away to avoid getting injured in the process. Seungmin gluped thinking of ways to avoid bumping into the tall ferret as he dashed out of the kitchen.

God bless his luck because at the exact time, Jeongin came into the kitchen like an angel he is. " What's happening? "

Before the question could fly out of his mouth Seungmin has clutched his shoulder, using him as human shield from the glaring ferret who was ready to pounce on seungmin as if he was a poor deer ready to get eaten alive.

In the blink of an eye Seungmin has pushed the oblivious maknae towards hyunjin who got distracted in protecting the youngest from falling, giving the second youngest chance to run away.

He ran like Cinderella at 12 o'clock towards the room closest to him and closed the door with a thud before falling on the door with hasty breath.

Jisung who was watching random YouTube video in his dormroom eyed the male who looked like he just ran away from a zoo and turned back to his phone because it wasn't something out of ordinary.

" Kim seungmin! " Loud thuds on the door sounded through the room along with heavy yells from the opposite end. " Open the door! "

Said boy pressed his back on the door as if he could prevent it from opening using his fragile body. " I'm sorry hyunjin I didn't mean to! I didn't know it was the last container. " He meant to and he knew it was last container but the menace he is, he didn't care enough.

" Seungmin-ah~ come out. I promise I won't strangle you to death. " Hyunjin coaxed with a threateningly sweet voice sending shivers down Seungmin's spine.

" I'm sorry!! " No he wasn't. If he could he would eat the last container of hyunjin's strawberries again.

" Oh no, what is this? This looks like a jersey. Is this seungmo's lotte giants jersey? " Minho's evil voice sounded through the choatic dorm as he held the second youngest's prized possession in his own hand.

The door opened in a flash and an angry puppy pounced on Minho snatching the jersey away. " Don't you dare touch it with your filthy hands! "

He warned as he straightened the non-existent crease on the jersey but his movements stilled when he realised that he had stepped out of his safe place and walked right into the lion's den.

" You said something seungmo? " Minho questioned with a teasing tone as he was well prepared for the drama and so began the chase, seungmin as Jerry running around the house and Hyunjin hot on his tail just like tom.

Chan sighed as he helped his poor Australian brother to remake the pancake he burnt with too much butter. Jeongin being the only mature one and trying to help seungmin get out of the chokehold of the angry llama and Minho enjoying the drama from the living room couch.

While you may think Changbin and Jisung were the sane one. Nope you're absolutely wrong because the next second Jisung came bouncing into the living room as he announced the next statement.

" I want kids! " The chaos stilled and every eye was on the bouncy squirrel.

" Why would you want kids all of a sudden? "

" From where do you suppose we can buy kids? "

" We can adopt cats they are more human friendly. "

" Don't you think we are too young to adopt one? "

Everyone started speaking at the same time until Chan stepped between the chaos, trusting the pancakes on Felix. God bless his brave heart.

" Guys calm down. And Jisung why would you want kids? Aren't we enough? " Jisung eyed the leader up and down with a calculated gaze.

" Um.. I mean the real kids. "

" Trust me you don't want the real ones. " Chan answered with a shake of head.

" Yeah I agree cats are more superior. "

" We already talked about this Minho. We aren't adopting cats either. " Chan shook his head in disapproval and the second oldest let out a groan in protest.

" But why they're cute! "

" Yeah kids are cute! " Jisung added causing Chan to sigh.

He accepted to become a leader but ended up being the father of 7 kids.

" No means no. We are not adopting kids. " And before Minho could open his mouth Chan cut him off. " No cats either. "

And Minho let out a groan while Jisung started throwing a tantrum, literally. Lying on the floor and flailing his limbs like a dying jelly fish as he whined like a whiny child.

Chan pinched his nose and messaged his temple as he wondered if he could back down from the leader position now. Maybe the god heard his cry for help and the door bell rang.

He shuffled around the house and walked towards the door. Thanking whoever rang the bell.

" Hello, order for walrus. " A man's voice rang through the intercom. Even Chan could sense the laugh the delivery man tried to supress with a cough and sighed.

Since they can't order with their real name to protect their privacy they often opted for weird names. " Please leave it at the door, thank you. "

He replied back and the man nodded before placing the box of pizza on the floor. " Um.. by the way, your kid is outside for whatever punishment you might have given her that requires kicking her out, " the delivery man said the last part under his breath before continuing. " but it would be better if you take her in. You wouldn't want her getting kidnapped afterall. Have a great day. "

Chan furrowed his eyebrows before glancing back into the living room. He counted the kids head and his frown deepened because his every kid was inside the house then, who is standing outside?


They're so chaotic
n thts y I luv them

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