Chapter 13

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It was the 30th time when collectively 8 phones buzzed in the quiet of the afternoon and it was the 30th time Chan was the only one to actually pick up the phone and respond to the text.

Others have collectively decided to ignore the text popping on their phone after the 5th ping but Chan being the responsible leader he was couldn't ignore when a notification from their manager came in the skz group chat.

" So? " Hyunjin questioned as he trudged from the kitchen with a can of cola in his hand.

" It's the 30th parent claiming Sarang to be their child. " Chan responded with a sigh. Said girl was taking her afternoon nap, while snuggling up to Jisung, to care about having 30 parents in one day when her parents existent was almost doubtful till yesterday.

" And how many are the underaged, unmarried, high school teenagers? " Seungmin questioned while leaning his arm on Hyunjin's shoulder who quickly ducked with a side eye.

" 13. " Chan sighed again. He would have never guessed so many stays to claim Sarang to be their child just to meet skz and he doubted if any of the claiming parents were even saying the truth.

I mean why would they leave Sarang in a building and exactly on the top-most floor where their dorm was situated?

" Unless it was a publicity stunt. Or some sick way to meet us. " Seungmin answered and Chan looked at him in confusion.

" Did I say that out loud? "

" Yeah old man. You need to tone down your thinking frequency. " Changbin entered the living room while wiping his after workout sweat with a towel and immediately ducked when a couch pillow was thrown towards him. " Geez man, I almost had a concussion. "

Chan only glared from his position on the couch and turned towards Felix who finally threw the game console on the couch while groaning.

" This game is so rigged! I don't want to play it anymore! " Felix huffed and pouted like a duckling while crossing his arms.

" Maybe you're just bad at it? " Jeongin suggested from his position on the floor beside the couch and Felix pouted even more. " How are we gonna find Sarang's parents from the crowd of 30 hyung? "

" 31. " Hyunjin hummed as once again, their phones buzzed with a profile of two teenagers claiming to be Sarang's mom and dad.

" I don't know. I'm not even sure if anyone of these people are even saying the truth. " Chan sighed as he scrolled through the profile just sent. " Manager seon has posted a message saying the claiming parents to come to the main building tomorrow to prove their claim and is asking us to bring Sarang so she can identify them. "

" But is it safe to present Sarang infront of so many people? What if someone has bad intentions or try to scare Sarang into accepting that they are her parents? " Felix questioned in concern and Chan nodded.

" That why I'll sit with manager seon during the meeting with all these people and if only I think they are telling the truth or they don't have any bad intentions, then only I'll let them meet Sarang. "

" Okay that's better. " Seungmin hummed and looked around the living room. " Where's Minho hyung? "

" He must be busy taking hundreds of pictures of Sarang and Jisung cuddling together. " Changbin smirked while sitting on the arm of couch.

" Bet. And then he'll go ' ommo! They are sooooo cuteeee! ' after every single picture. " Hyunjin chuckled as he imagined Minho squealing and recieved a smack behind his head from the said devil himself.

" What did you say? "

" O-Oh Minho hyung! Haha what? What did I even say? " Hyunjin then turned towards the members in the living room. " Did you all hear anything I said? Nothing right? I said nothing hyung. " He laughed awkwardly while Minho only gave a suspicious smile while walking towards the kitchen.

" Well they did look cute in all those hundred pictures. " Minho hummed while grinning to himself.


" Next! " Manager seon called and immediately sighed as soon as an overly excited teenager walked in with a wide smile.

" Hello! " She bowed and stood up while flicking her long hairs and then tucked it behind her ear as soon as her eyes glanced at Chan sitting beside the manager. " I am Mitsuki Yakamura. Nice to meet you! "

She greeted in broken Korean and Chan immediately knew that she wasn't Sarang's parent if her school uniform didn't already give it away.

" Please have a seat Ms. Yakamura. " Manager seon gestured and she followed while continuing to give shy glances towards Chan.


" Okay next! "

" But she is my child!! " The lady, who introduced herself as Victoria Williams shrieked.
" I'm telling you she is my child! Just because I look African doesn't mean I can't have an asain child! My husband is Chinese and his name is Kento Yamazaki! "

Chan massaged his forehead at the blant lies falling from the middle aged lady who was practically fuming.

" Mrs. Williams. We know you're lying because according to our sources this is your first time coming to Seoul and you don't even know Korean. Plus here in the form you filled at the start of this meeting, it says your husband is a mafia leader named Vincenzo or something, how can you have a Japanese actor, Kento Yamazaki as your husband? " Manager seon explained in English and Chan was glad that he knew English or else Chan himself would have to deal with this ridiculous lady and her bullshit.

" No but i-it is true! Bring saram here and ask her that I'm her mother! "

" I'll have to ask you to leave Mrs. Williams Or I have no choice but to ask the security to kick you out. " Manager seon said calmly while the lady just stood up begrudgingly. " And by the way, her name is Sarang not saram. "

Manager seon called out just as she was leaving causing her to huff and slam the door on her way out.

" This was our.. ? " Chan dragged out already tired of the crap he had to deal for the past 2 hours.

" 27th parent. I hope atleast one of the remaining 4 parents are saying the truth. " Manager seon sighed in exhaustion and rolled his shoulder to relieve the stiffness settling in his bone due to sitting for so long.

" Let's get this over with. " Chan sighed and forced himself to sit straight as he called out. " Next! "



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