Chapter 3

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As Light and Youko sat in his room, discussing the Kira case, Youko couldn't help but feel a growing attraction towards Light. In an attempt to gauge his feelings, she casually asked, "So, Light, what do you think about Kira? Do you think he's a hero or a villain?"

Light, trying to hide his true identity, replied, "Well, Youko, it's a complicated situation. I mean, on one hand, Kira is definitely a powerful force for justice, but on the other hand, his methods are quite extreme. What do you think?"

Youko thought for a moment, her eyes searching Light's face for any hidden signs. "Honestly, Light, I believe in a more balanced approach to justice. Killing criminals might solve some problems temporarily, but it creates a cycle of violence. We have to find a different way."

Light, feeling a rush of hope, responded, "I see your point, Youko. Perhaps there is a middle ground where we can uphold justice, but without resorting to such drastic measures. Maybe Kira can be reformed and guided towards a more just path."

Youko's eyes widened in surprise at Light's response. "You really think so, Light? That's an interesting perspective. I'm glad I can have a open-minded discussion with you about this. It's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't immediately dismiss my views."

Light smiled, his heart pounding with excitement at the thought of revealing his true intentions to Youko. "Youko, there's something I need to tell you. But before that, would you like anything to drink? I have some tea or juice."

Youko, slightly taken aback by the sudden change in topic, politely declined, "No, thank you, Light. I'm fine for now. But please, tell me what you wanted to reveal."

Light took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was about to come. "Youko, the truth is, I am Kira. I have the power to pass judgment on criminals, but I've always felt conflicted about it. Your perspective on justice has made me question my actions, and I want to find a way to fulfill my purpose without causing harm. I'm willing to work with you and your organization to achieve that."

Youko's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing to process this unexpected revelation. "Light, I... I didn't expect this. But if what you're saying is true, then maybe we can find a way to change things for the better. I have a proposition for you, though. If you agree to cooperate with us, share your knowledge and insight, then I promise to support you and keep your secret."

Light, overwhelmed by the offer, felt a surge of exhilaration. Without thinking, he leaned in towards Youko, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. The room suddenly felt electrified as their connection deepened.

After a moment of surprise, Youko gave in to the intensity of the kiss, her desire to expose Kira momentarily forgotten. In that intoxicating moment, they both felt a sense of unity and excitement. They broke apart, their faces flushed, and exchanged a knowing glance.

Youko, regaining her composure, said with a mischievous smile, "Well, Light, I guess this puts a new twist on our partnership, doesn't it? But let's make one thing clear, Kira or not, I'm still on a mission, and I won't let anyone, not even you, get in the way."

Light, his gaze locked with Youko's, replied playfully, "Oh, I wouldn't dream of getting in your way, Youko. In fact, together, I believe we can achieve even greater things than we ever thought possible. Let's change the world, side by side."

And with that, their paths intertwined in a complex web of love, ambition, and the pursuit of justice, as they embarked on a journey that would shape their destinies and challenge their very beings.

Light yagami x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें