Moonlight, zeal and warmth

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"Will you go with the other wolves to spend the full moon?" The Addams asked, writing her novel and not taking her eyes off her paper.

"Yes, my brothers asked me to accompany them" The Sinclair girl dismissed her importance, while she used her cell phone on her side of the room. "They said they wanted to teach me some wolf stuff."

"It's been a long time since you were enwolfed, why would they want to teach you something now?" She averted her gaze from her machine, to look at his girlfriend with some annoyance, it bothered her that her girlfriend's brothers, They will treat her like an idiot.

"They told me it was time, besides, it doesn't bother me" The blonde looked at her girlfriend, getting up from her place, and hugging the pale-skinned one from behind "I'm sorry I can't spend this full moon with you, I know you wanted to."

"I won't deny the fact that seeing you in that form fascinates me, or just feeling your huge fangs in my arms, hating my flesh, it's exciting, cara mia" Wednesday strokes her girlfriend's head "But that's between you and your brothers, and I won't get in the way, I'll be with thing reading a book, and I'll wait for you to arrive, okay?" The blonde just nodded.

It had been a few months since Enid became a wolf, 6 months ago to be precise, and Enid had full moons, and Wednesday accompanied her at those times, they settled in the forest at night., so that Wednesday marveled at the night light, that cold wind and the beautiful darkness, she was carried away with peace, listening to her girlfriend, howling at the moon, both sitting next to each other.
From time to time Enid would go hunting, while Wednesday would sit and watch the starry night, and when Enid would come back agitated with the bloody bear, Wednesday would be fascinated.

No doubt she loved the full moon, and they had promised to spend every full moon together, until the day she died.

But Wednesday had a doubt, do werewolves get Zeal? According to her research, they get to have it every 3 months, but Enid became a wolf 6 months ago and has not been in heat for her.  She just downplay it

In 3 days the full moon began.
The sun rose in Nunca Más, thus starting the classes, the werewolves
They prepared for the day of the full moon, and the Sinclairs chatted.

"Okay, Enid, are you ready? We'll teach you things we do with dad on a full moon" Her older brother ordered, she just nodded

"Tell me Enid" Her second brother spoke "Have you been in heat yet?"

"No, honestly, that doesn't worry me much" The Sinclair girl answered, dismissing it as important and drinking her juice.

"It's good to know, besides, you don't have someone to help you if you do" He look at her sister's surprised face "... Right?"

"In fact, I'm dating someone" The younger Sinclair smiled at them

"Oh yeah?" The older brother of all the Sinclairs spoke "Who is he?!"

"She, it's her" Her brothers looked at her confused
Enid pointed to Wednesday, who was chatting with Eugene.

"¿Addams? Really?" Her second brother spoke. "Are you crazy? She's a psychopath! She'll kill you!"

"Calm down" Her older brother ordered "That doesn't concern you"

"And you don't care!? That psychopath could kill our sister!" The boy got up furiously

"Calm down!" The older brother calmed down a bit, rubbing his hundred. "If she wanted to kill her, she would have done it already, so shut up, besides, she does have someone who can control her, you don't, so don't give your opinion". The boy took a seat again.

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