Chapter Twelve - Mafia

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Okay, was nobody going to tell me that I skipped chapter Eleven? I've fixed it, but now I'm wondering what else y'all haven't told me.


{Quick summary of the Mafia game for those who haven't played. There are two teams. The townspeople and the mafia. There are also two cycles. The day cycle and the night cycle. During the night cycle, while everyone else is "sleeping" the mafia strikes, killing one person per cycle. Unless someone with a special role decides to spice things up. During the day cycle, the townspeople and the mafia discuss who had been killed and pick two people to accuse of being in the mafia. Each accused person gets 30 seconds to plead their innocence.  Then everyone votes, and each round someone is eliminated. Roles will be explained during the chapter}

Juliana's POV

  I guess I was lucky, seeing as I got an "interesting" part in the game, however I have no idea how many other mafia players there would be. With the right people, we might be able to pull one over on the others.

However, if none of the actual mafia members were on our team, because that seems like something Elijah would do, then I think they'll be able to figure it out pretty quickly.

"Okay, you may sit up." Elijah said, and what surprised me was that on the table in front of each player, there was a little card face down.

"You all might have noticed the card in front of you, that is mainly so that nobody can cheat, but also to spice things up. There will be six extra roles available in this game. If you happen to get one, whether you are in the mafia, or you are a townsperson, you will have a job to complete, or stick by." Elijah said in a taunting voice.

"We will have a detective, who wakes up after the mafia, and makes a personal guess about someone they think is in the mafia. If they are wrong, then the game goes on, if they are correct, then that person gets eliminated.

"A doctor, who each round has the option to save somebody, and if the mafia chose that person to kill, then that person will survive the night.

"The traitor, who works with the townspeople, but is secretly helping the mafia. The traitor does not wake up with the mafia, making their job twice as hard. Can only win with the Mafia

"The undercover cop, who wakes with the mafia, but is secretly helping the townspeople. Can only win with the townspeople.

"The godfather, who, unlike the traitor, can be in the mafia, however the godfather wakes up a second time, after the mafia, and is allowed to make 2 extra kills per game. Here is the twist. The godfather may also kill mafia members.

"A baker, who chooses one person each night cycle to give bread to, while trying not to reveal themselves. Because if the baker happens to get eliminated, the townspeople will have three days to eliminate all mafia members before everyone starves to death.

"And finally, a jester, whose job it is to try and get voted off.. If that happens, two people will be eliminated. If the jester was a townsperson, two people get killed, and if the jester was a mafia member, two people get voted off."

I tried to pay as best attention to the roles as possible, even though I had the attention span of a weasel. Even if I'm not one of the six, then I could still use that to my advantage.

"Next thing, I need everyone to put their phones on silent." My phone lives on silent, but I still checked to make sure.

"Everyone needs to hold their phone under the table, or in their laps. That is where it is going to stay for the duration of the game. To make it a little easier on them, and harder on the townsfolk, this is how the mafia will be communicating with each other during the night cycle. Once the game begins each mafia member will be placed into a group chat. Any questions?" Elijah asked, placing his hands on my shoulders since he was right behind me now.

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