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Ch. 25

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"Hi," Logan said quietly.

I didn't know what to say. A small part of me was angry with him, I couldn't deny that. I had put my trust in and worked with someone as reckless as Logan. That had been my mistake; trusting someone as impulsive as I was. I knew fixing androids without a proper license was punishable by law, but I didn't experiment any way I wanted.

My activities weren't a secret.

Passing my tongue over my teeth, I scooted to the side. "Coming out?" I asked him.

Logan scoffed and scratched his blonde hair. "Uh, good morning to you too, I guess."

I made sure my text was sent and my phone was safely tucked in my pocket before I locked onto Logan's gaze. Pushing my feelings down to the bottom of my gut was hard to do with only one cup of coffee. I should've had two this morning before we left the apartment.

I sucked my teeth. "Sorry, good morning, Logan."

He chuckled. Looking around the inside of the elevator, he passed his fingers over the buttons on the side panel before grinning at me. He shot me a wink. "Were you going back to your place? I can press the floor for you. Twenty-seven, right? And," he leaned out slightly from the door, "if you need some company, I can tag along."

Well, wasn't he direct? Inviting himself over wasn't something I expected or wanted. I truly just wanted to get to work. And after the last interaction I had with him, there was a sour taste in my mouth, like a mystery candy; the first bite is sweet with a bitter center. That's what he was to me at the moment. My first impression of Logan was nice, different, and refreshing until we stayed in the same room for more than five minutes together. While his intentions were similar to mine, his process was a nightmare.

If I had seen it sooner, I would've run far, far away.

Frank did warn me.

"Look," I rubbed the side of my cheek, "I need to see Katherine."

"Oh." He cupped his hands together, rocking back and forth on his heels and toes. His mouth drew down into a frown as he pinched his brows together. "Is it about the androids? I heard a crazy story about them."

My mouth parted slightly. He may have had my attention in the beginning; with his rumors and his ability to tell them. Whatever "story" he had about these androids would have to be a lie. The only other person who was there with me was Frank and I knew, felt it in my heart, that he wouldn't have gone to Logan to spread rumors. Logan may have heard what may have happened with the machines' disposal, but he wouldn't have the details.

I was the details. I knew them because I was there.

"Could I have the elevator?" I glanced inside before stepping back. "Or do you have a floor to get to? I can call another elevator."

"Um, no." Logan bit his lip. "I was going to take a walk and get some fresh air."

If I wanted to deal with him right now, I would've said great minds thought alike. Yet, what I really wanted was for him to get out of my way.

"Cool." I stepped further out of the way and motioned for him to come out into the lobby. I glanced at the door. "Don't let me stop your fun."

He came out. He patted his jeans before awkwardly pushing his hand into his back pockets. When he looked at me, it reminded me of a sad puppy. I was a cat person.

"I don't know what you're going upstairs for, but can I apologize for what happened? I've already received emails about it, new protocols have been put in place for all technicians."

"Oh, yeah?" I moved around him and stepped into the elevator while the door was still open. I gave him a side glance. "Make sure you follow each of the new rules."

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