Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 57

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"Whoa!" Jonah expressed, his eyes on the plate of noodles. "It so quick and it smells amazing."

"It is," I said as I picked up the pot again and added tap water in. This one was for the Korean spicy noodles. "Why don't you take that to the table, Jonah. And take out plates and cutlery as well."

The boy enthusiastically got off the barstool and rushed around into this side of the kitchen. While I cooked the noodles, tearing open the sachets of seasonings and adding in the noodles and dropping in the rest of the leftover prawns and squids, Aldric and Jonah set the table. It was done within a few minutes, and I poured the noodles and soup into a bowl. Then I took it over to the table where Jonah waited impatiently. I noticed that there were only knives and forks, but of course, neither Aldric nor Jonah knew one ate noodles with chopsticks.

After leaving the bowl of hot spicy noodles on the table, I dashed into the kitchen to retrieve the other serving plate, and while I was at it, I took out a small one, too, plus a pair of chopsticks.

Sitting down, Jonah asked, "Can we eat?"

"Just one more thing," I said. After placing the plates and chopsticks on the table, I summoned my magic circle, and voila, the serving plate was now covered with three styles of Korean fried chicken—classic fried, sweet and spicy, and soy and honey. On the small plate was kimchi, a traditional Korean side dish made of salted, fermented napa cabbage, and I couldn't wait to dig right in.

I noticed that both Aldric and Jonah were gazing at the fried chicken and Jonah asked, drooling, "What's that?"

"It's fried chicken," I said. "It's very popular where I came from. These ones are classic fried; these are soy and honey, and that one here" I pointed to the lot covered in bright-red sauces—"are sweet and spicy."

"Whoa..." He looked at me and begged, "Can I try fried chicken first?"

I smiled. "Of course."

The boy picked up his fork and inserted the end of it into a piece of the classic fried one. Then he popped it into his mouth, and the moment he did, he widened his eyes, looking as stunned as could be. He chewed fast, and once he swallowed, he eagerly took another. "It's delicious."

"Told you it's popular." Turning to Aldric, I said, "Let's eat."

He nodded and chose to try the fried chicken first, too. I guessed nobody could ever resist the temptation of fried chicken, not even Aldric. I saw that he, like his son, looked stunned as he ate. Indeed, Korean fried chicken had that effect on almost everyone.

Not to miss out, I picked up a piece of the honey and soy, my favorite flavor, and popped it into my mouth. I sighed in pleasure as I ate. Oh, goodness, but the light, airy, crispiness of the coated flour along with the tender morsel of the chicken meat and the light saltiness of the soy and the sweetness of the honey, it was simply divine.

Jonah was already on his fifth, this time picking up the spicy one. He blinked a few times as he chewed fast, and I burst out laughing. Aldric was eating the spicy one, too, and he seemed to enjoy it, not at all bothered by the heat.

Once he swallowed, Jonah quickly gulped down some water and then stuck his tongue out as he huffed and puffed like a puppy. "It's hot, but it's so good."

"Perhaps if you eat more of it, you'll get used to the heat," I said.

He turned his attention to the mie goreng next. As he picked up some noodles with his fork, he said, "Then I'll eat more so I can get used to the heat." It appeared he wasn't going to be defeated by the likes of chilies.

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